SeaHelp - Preparing for the 2020 watersports season with several days of hands-on training.

Sea-Help GmbH

Managing director: Wolfgang Dauser
Röschenweg 5 | 4801 Traunkirchen | Austria
Office hours

Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 14:00 hours

Contact form

Your questions and concerns are important to us.
Please contact us, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
SeaHelp Pannendienst auf See - Logo black-red
Your breakdown service at sea


Alternative: 00800 112 00 112

SeaHelp Member services
Sea-Help GmbH

Managing Director: Wolfgang Dauser
Röschenweg 5 | 4801 Traunkirchen | Austria

+43 (0) 7617 - 21921 90
SeaHelp Insurance
SeaHelp Insurance Broker GmbH

Managing director: Wolfgang Dauser, Robert Perger
Röschenweg 5 | 4801 Traunkirchen | Austria

+43 (0) 7617 - 21921 90
SeaHelp Europe head office
Sea-Help GmbH

Managing director: Wolfgang Dauser
Röschenweg 5 | 4801 Traunkirchen | Austria

+43 (0) 7617 - 21921 90