SeaHelp Pannendienst auf See - Logo black-red
24/7 in action for you


When fast help is needed at sea, only fast, reliable rescue boats, which can set sail in almost any weather, will help. The SeaHelp rescue boats were designed specifically for this purpose, and they not only contain the experience of almost 15 years of assistance at sea, but also a great deal of equipment to provide immediate and competent help at the scene of an accident.

SeaHelp first generation rescue boats

Operational areas: Adriatic, Balearic and Baltic Sea

Technical data

SeaHelp second generation rescue boats

Operational areas: Adriatic, Balearic Islands and Baltic Sea

Technical data

SeaHelp 3rd generation of emergency boats

Areas of application: Adriatic

Technical data:

Minimum equipment for all SeaHelp rescue boats

This basic equipment can be found on all SeaHelp rescue boats

SeaHelp rescue boats are not only capable of speeds of up to 48 knots, they are also pure “pack mules”: salvage balloons, pumps, extra life jackets, diving equipment, jump-start box and all sorts of other utensils that are particularly useful for rapid assistance at sea are stored on board in the back boxes. By the way: SeaHelp places great value on quality and reliability, not only for the ship itself, but also for the equipment.

SeaHelp emergency boat equipment - passenger transport

Passenger transport

For passenger transport, sufficient safety life jackets for up to 12 persons are available on board the SeaHelp rescue boat.

SeaHelp diving equipment

Diving equipment

Diving operations at a shallow depth can be carried out immediately, with special diving equipment up to 40 m.

SeaHelp  equipment - Salvage equipment pumps

Salvage equipment pumps

Leaking yachts or boats can be kept afloat with two powerful pumps (2000 litres/min).

SeaHelp  equipment - Salvage equipment airbags

Salvage equipment airbags

Leaking yachts or boats can be kept afloat with airbags of various sizes.

SeaHelp  equipment - special equipment

Special equipment

On each Sea Help boat there are a 2 KW generator and standard spare parts. (V-belt, impeller, thermostats).

SeaHelp rescue boats are equipped with technology from: