SeaHelp News

D-Marin-Marina Dalmacija: Filling station closed for renovation until May, but refueling is still possible by appointment

D-Marin Dalmacija: Entrance to the gas station
D-Marin Dalmacija | Foto: D-Marin

If you want to enjoy your vacation to the fullest, the best place to moor is in D-Marin Dalmacija. The largest marina on the Croatian coast near Zadar offers first-class facilities and a luxurious catering and hospitality service, making it the perfect place for a successful cruise.


D-Marin Dalmacija at sunset
D-Marin Dalmacija | Photo: D-Marin


Normally, this also includes a boat refueling station. However, this is currently closed, as the SeaHelp operations center in Punat has learned. In response to a SeaHelp inquiry, the marina management stated that this was due to “extensive renovation work”, which will continue until May. The petrol station should then reopen.

The good news: until then, fuel customers will not be left “high and dry”. The marina has agreed with a local fuel supplier that they will provide diesel on request. Customers can then refuel on the shore right next to the filling station.

Fuel customers must register at the D-Marin Dalmacija marina reception at least 24 hours in advance and make an appointment

However, fuel customers must register at the marina reception at least 24 hours in advance and make a fixed appointment. The reception can be reached at +385 23 20 03 00 – this service is also expressly available to guests who are not customers of the marina, the marina management explains.

D-Marin Dalmacija in Sukosan has 1,200 fully equipped berths in the water and more than 300 berths on land. Thanks to sufficient depth and generously dimensioned berths, the marina can also accommodate yachts up to 80 meters in length. The northern and southern Adriatic is easily accessible from the D-Marin Dalmacija marina


D-Marin Dalmacija from above
D-Marin Dalmacija | Photo: D-Marin


Especially now in the pre-season, sports skippers should meticulously check which fuel stations are open on the route before starting their trip – the SeaHelp app

helps with this
SeaHelp recommends all sports skippers, especially now in the pre-season, to check the opening hours of all gas stations on the planned route before starting their trip. This way, disappointments and dicey situations due to fuel shortages can be avoided later on.

By the way: the practical SeaHelp app also provides the opening hours and telephone numbers for each filling station. The SeaHelp app can be downloaded free of charge for Android and Apple smartphones and tablets.


SeaHelp app with the emergency call function for Android smartphonesSeaHelp app with the emergency call function for Apple iPhone smartphones

Further information

D-Marin Dalmacija
Address: Bibinje-Sukošan 1, 23206 Sukošan, Dalmatia

Phone: +385 23 20 03 00


Location: 44°3′ 10” N, 15°18’4”E
Radio: VHF 17

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