The Austrian BoatShow – Boot Tulln, traditionally the meeting point for Austria’s water sports enthusiasts before the start of the season, is once again offering a varied live program with more than 120 presentations this year. In addition to presentations on current topics, films will be shown and visitors will be able to obtain comprehensive information from travel reports, area presentations, live workshops, new products and trend presentations. SeaHelp will also be back in Hall 6 to provide information about its wide range of services, so it’s well worth a visit.
In addition to the 360 exhibitors from 16 nations who will once again be presenting the entire world of water sports in the halls of Messe Tulln at the end of February/beginning of March, visitors will also be offered an attractive supporting program on a total of seven different stages over four days of the trade fair this year.
The conference center in hall 3, the diving action stage in hall 8, the lecture center in hall 8, the competence and action stage in hall 4, the stage of the Austrian Sailing Association in hall 4, live workshops in hall 5 and the outdoor area will once again make Boot Tulln a comprehensive live experience in 2024.
Lecture program hall 3
“Sailing to the most beautiful places in Greece” is the title of Markus Silbergasser’s presentation. In it, he takes you to the most beautiful places in Greece and also reveals some of his personal insider tips. You can get in the mood for the lecture in advance online at
Since summer 2020, orcas have been damaging sailing yachts off the Strait of Gibraltar, destroying their steering gear and rendering them unmaneuverable. Several hundred boats have been damaged and families and crews have had to be rescued by the coastguard. Thomas Käsbohrer takes up the mystery of the orcas and reports on possible causes of the orca attacks in his lecture.
“Risk management as a method for preparing charter, vacation or blue water cruises” is the topic of Jörg Vedernjak’s presentation. He will explain how best to prepare for a longer trip, such as an Atlantic crossing under sail. Risk management helps you to make the right decisions and to procure the right equipment for your boat.
Competence and action stage hall 4
“Personal safety equipment at sea – what do I really need?” or “Safe harbor maneuvers – power and levers determine our actions” are just two of the many lecture topics in Hall 4. There will also be interesting discussion rounds on the topics: “Buying a used boat – what should you pay attention to?” or “Sailing vacations with children – awakening joy, avoiding stress and danger”.
Austrian Sailing Association Stage Hall 4
The Austrian BoatShow – Boot Tulln is one of the highlights for the Austrian Sailing Association and its members every year. This is where the sailing community meets for the traditional sailing ceremony, exciting presentations or simply small talk with the OeSV team. Gerhard Fliess, CTO at XiTrust, demonstrates the history of sailing live in the wind tunnel every day. Rainer Wilhelm will also be presenting the latest products from Robline Ropes.
Live workshops at the Austrian BoatShow – Boot Tulln in Hall 5
Blue-2 has been known for several years for innovations in training and has already developed many learning materials and 3D simulators for skipper training. At Boot Tulln, you can once again park boats at the Blue-2/In2TheBlue stand, new technology will be explained in live workshops, and the latest Virtual Map app will be a premiere at Boot Tulln.
Lecture Center Hall 8
Michael Körner from, the Austrian distributor for Victron Energy, will shed light on the possibilities of modern energy management systems on board sailing and motor yachts. Thanks to high-performance batteries and the networking of chargers, inverters, monitoring solutions and renewable energy sources, a level of independence can now be achieved on board ships that was unthinkable just a few years ago.
Diver Action Stage Hall 8
The consequences of the climate catastrophe, progressive littering and rampant overfishing are pushing the ocean to the edge of its carrying capacity. Sea Shepherd fights in direct action campaigns on the front lines of marine conservation. In which areas the activists are on the move, which animal species are protected and what each individual can do for marine protection is the subject of a presentation.
Shark Project – International Shark and Species Conservation Organization
Every encounter with a shark is a blind date. The best way to understand it is to be able to interpret the shark’s movements and pay attention to the do’s and don’ts. A second lecture on the topic deals with shark accidents: what is considered a shark accident and what factors can lead to a shark accident? ->
SeaHelp welcome campaign for new members: visit the stand, become a member, save ten percent!
At the SeaHelp stand in hall 6, stand no. 648, there will be competent expert advice on all areas, the SeaHelp bases and all aspects of leisure boating. There will also be information on the latest products from SeaHelp-Insurance.
In addition, attorney Florian Dauser LL.M. will be available at the SeaHelp stand at Boot Tulln on the weekend of the trade fair (March 2 and 3) to provide information and answer questions from members. Florian Dauser works as a lawyer at the top Viennese law firm Fellner Wratzfeld und Partner (fwp), specializes in ships and yachts and has already written several articles on legal topics in water sports for Sea-Help.
Anyone who decides to take out a SeaHelp membership at the trade fair and visits the SeaHelp stand in Hall 6 by Sunday, March 3, will save a whopping ten percent on the annual fee. Visitors to the Boat Show can also pick up a free copy of the freshly printed SeaHelp magazine directly at the stand – packed with useful information and news about Yachting 2024.
Info Boot Tulln:
Opening times: 29.2. to 3.3.2024, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day
Admission prices: Adults: 15 euros, senior and student card: 13 euros, youth card (6-15 years): 4 euros, children up to six years: free admission.
Location: Tulln Exhibition Center, further information: