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New entry regulations Slovenia: Antigen test no longer accepted Enter Slovenia with PCR test – transit possible at any time!

Entry requirements Slovenia: Only PCR test allowed, no antigen test for entry.
When entering Slovenia - with the exception of transit - a negative PCR test is required. An antigen test - as before - is no longer recognized.

Slovenia has once again adjusted entry requirements to Slovenia due to the continued rise in coronavirus incidence numbers. The most important changes: From now on, a PCR test, not older than 48 hours, must be presented again when entering Slovenia. An antigen test, as previously still permitted, is not sufficient. In addition, Slovenia is going into a hard lockdown from April 1 to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

To anticipate: A transit within six hours is still possible without problems, as the entry regulations for Slovenia execute.

Slovenian hotline for questions

However, according to the Slovenian Embassy in Berlin, tourist travel to Slovenia is also allowed, provided that one adheres to the valid entry requirements. For further inquiries, the Slovenian government has set up a hotline that SeaHelp editors have already tested. Under the phone numbers 00386 14787550 and 00386 15147001 a friendly employee answers the callers’ questions quite competently.

Staying on own ship allowed in Slovenia

We wanted to know: Are boat owners with moorings in one of the Slovenian marinas allowed to their vessels and stay there over Easter despite entry restrictions?

The answer, by the way, after consultation: Yes, no problem, if on entry into Slovenia a PCR test, not older than 48 hours. Nevertheless, we recommend that you additionally coordinate this with the marina where the ship is based.

Vaccination and survived COVID-19 disease also exempt from testing

However, another Slovenian exemption from mandatory PCR testing raises eyebrows and could soon be a template for entry into Croatia. The homepage of the Slovenian Embassy in Berlin states:

As before, the following are exempt from quarantine:.

  • Persons with a negative PCR test that is not older than 48 hours from the time of swabbing.
  • Persons who have already survived a COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months and present proof upon entry into Slovenia (e.g. medical certificate or positive PCR test performed at least 21 days ago and not older than six months).
  • Persons, if at the time of entry is presented proof of already performed dual vaccination against COVID-19 (vaccination certificate with proof that at least 7 days (Biontech / Pfizer vaccine),14 days (Moderna vaccine) or 21 days have passed since vaccination (AstraZeneca vaccine).

Confirmation of immunization in writing

This means that anyone who has already acquired a certain level of immunization against the coronavirus is exempt from mandatory testing. However, one should present appropriate proof in writing at the border and carry it with them at all times.

Stay on own ship possible according to information hotline

Against a use of the ship in one of the Slovenian marinas, in order to possibly drive with it to Croatia, no reservations existed on the part of the Hotline, one referred thereby however to the Croatian regulations with the entry over the sea way. These are, as already reported, identical to the regulations when entering Croatia by land.

High coronavirus incidence numbers in Slovenia

However, one thing should not go unmentioned at this point: Slovenia currently (as of 3/29/2021) has a 7-day incidence of 316.5 and a 14-day incidence of 591.6, with rising incidence figures. In addition, a hard lockdown will be in place across Slovenia from April 1, including restrictions on travel between regions.

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