SeaHelp Livestream on the SeaHelp-Channel at YouTube: Who is authorized to steer a yacht or a boat in the Croatian coastal waters with which boat license and which additional authorizations are required? Questions that are asked not only by the countless charter guests who travel to Croatia year after year to take the unique island world of the Kornati under the keel for a week or more.
But even skippers who are experienced in Croatia are not always quite saddle-fast legally, as SeaHelp had to experience: The question of whether the skipper, who is in possession of the necessary authorization certificates, may also leave the helm to another crew member who does not have these authorizations, has already caused many a heated discussion in the cafes and restaurants of the marinas.
On 31 March 2021 at 19.00 h
And because then also an almost already “Babylonian regulation jumble” arises, if one considers flag law and additionally still the nationality of the owner with, has SeaHelp to the next Livestream on Wednesday, 31 March at 19.00 o’clock someone invited, who must know it: Michael Alexander Grandits, head of MAG Maritime School.
Boating license Croatia
The experienced skipper is considered even in professional circles as the walking encyclopedia of nautical regulations, which he also knows how to apply across disciplines. For SeaHelp he has taken a little time in the home office in Bad Mittendorf and explains in the livestream what Austrians and Germans must pay attention to regarding the driving of a yacht, no matter under which flag, when they are on the Adriatic in Croatia.
Questions will be answered in the chat
But more importantly, during the livestream and also afterwards there is the possibility to ask questions directly via the chat function, which will be answered during the broadcast if possible. If not all questions are answered directly due to time constraints, there is, as always, also the possibility to receive an answer by mail at
Interesting detail
One thing is for sure: probably no one else like Michael Alexander Grandits can more concisely present such a “dry” topic as the authorization of driving boats and yachts, carried out by people of different nationalities and with special regard to the flag law in Croatia. Therefore, we may already promise them that here probably everyone can still “take something” to survive the next control on board his ship without harm.
SeaHelp livestream on Wednesday, 31.3.2021 from 19.00 h on YouTube
Croatia plans to make rented boats up to 6.8 hp license-free. Read more here…