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Croatia: Bridge Tisno until further notice closed again

Tisno Bridge Opening hours: closed.
Tisno Bridge is a bone of contention: the dispute over the bridge's opening hours is being fought out on the backs of water sports enthusiasts.

Hard times for water sports enthusiasts whose boats and yachts are based in Tisno on the Croatian island of Murter: the bascule bridge that connects the island with the mainland is currently closed once again due to a strike..

What lasts a long time does not always find a good end: Tisno is a small village in Dalmatia about 27 km northwest of Šibenik only 20 m from the island of Murter separated by a channel, which is spanned by a 37 m long bascule bridge. Exactly this bridge, built in 1968, is currently closed – once again.

Already since July 2020, the opening hours of the blue metal bascule bridge in Tisno had become a kind of bone of contention between the Croatian authorities and a large number of water sports enthusiasts whose boats and yachts have moorings behind the bridge, as SeaHelp reported at the time.

Tisno Bridge bone of contention: the dispute over the bridge’s opening hours is being played out on the backs of water sports enthusiasts

They had to put up with a morning detour of 13.5 nautical miles to get to their ancestral moorings in the bays of the island of Murter – as they are doing again now.

SeaHelp intervened at that time with the responsible authorities and mediated a conversation between the responsible person of the local authority and the boat and yacht owners with the result that they wanted to take care of the facts and showed understanding for the annoyance of the water sports enthusiasts – SeaHelp last reported a year ago.

As a result, a compromise was found: from June 2022, the bridge was opened for only 20 minutes in the morning and evening, instead of 30 minutes as before, but still – the water sports enthusiasts in Tisno and the authority responsible for traffic matters in Sibenik could live with this arrangement.

The compromise found last year has lapsed with the strike – now the big detour around Murter must be driven again

But this compromise is now void again. Due to an initially indefinite strike of the staff of Cesta Šibenik d.o.o., the Tisno drawbridge has not been raised since June 12, 2023 until further notice, SeaHelp staffer Kristina Hranić told us. Also some SeaHelp members had already contacted SeaHelp about this in the last days.


Facebook posting from Visit Tisno: Bridge closed until further notice.
Facebook posting on Visit Tisno Facebook page. © Visit Tisno


The strike is protests by employees of Ceste Šibenik against new salary regulations, they also demand a salary increase.

SeaHelp will work for the timely opening of the bridge. Until then, “The boats stand and wait in front of the closed bridge. Then they have to turn around again and go the whole round around Murter,” as a concerned SeaHelp member wrote to us.

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