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All clear for Croatia vacationers: Slovenia overturns test requirement for transit.

Slovenia transit news: No testing obligation after all as of July 15, 2021
Many Croatian holidaymakers can enjoy the last days of their vacation on the Adriatic Sea without having to go in search of the test centers, because the Slovenians have relented just in time with regard to compulsory testing during transit.

Since the diplomacy, especially the efforts of the Croatian National Tourist Board in Ljubljana/Slovenia in terms of test obligation for Slovenia transit from July 15, 2021 can still record a last-minute success: As was announced on July 14, 2021 at around 13:00 h on the part of the Slovenian government, the obligation to show a current Corona test for transit through Slovenia when returning from Croatia will no longer apply. This announcement should noticeably reassure vacationers, as well as boat and yacht owners and charter guests who are currently in Croatia and plan to return to Austria or Germany after July 15, 2021.

No mandatory testing in transit Slovenia

In recent days, Slovenia had made headlines with the message, one demands the returning Croatia vacationers a current Corona test, because EU-wide due to agreements transit through the respective countries within a certain period without tests is quite possible.

Now the quite welcome role backwards on the part of the Slovenians: Until August 15, the transit restrictions are suspended. What is valid after this date, can not yet be said with certainty and certainly depends on the development of the pandemic situation. However, it can be assumed that now diplomacy between the two countries will have a chance to address the problem without time pressure and a mutually acceptable solution will be found.

Mass testing would not have been feasible

The explosive nature of the facts: Next weekend, probably about 40,000 German holidaymakers will return home from Croatia, most of them probably with their own cars. The vaccination rate in Germany is about 50%, which would mean minus the already vaccinated and recovered, about 20,000 vacationers from Germany alone would “storm” the Croatian test centers to be able to start the journey home without any problems. Not only would the test centers on the coast be overburdened, but the vacationers would also lose a complete vacation day. Therefore, one can only welcome the fact that Slovenia has rowed back with regard to the testing obligation after all.

Notification of the Slovenian government on the subject of transit Slovenia

Here is the message of the Slovenian government, which is already available in the original (Slovenian) to the SeaHelp editorial staff and was translated into German with the Google translator due to time constraints because of the topicality. We ask for your indulgence regarding the somewhat bumpy wording:

Translation from the original mail:

No test condition is required for transit and international shipments until August 15, 2021.

At today’s correspondence meeting, the Government issued and published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia an Ordinance amending the Ordinance establishing the conditions for entry into the Republic of Slovenia for the purpose of containment and control of the infectious disease COVID-19.

With the amendments to the decree, two exemptions (transit and international transport) apply until August 15, 2021 only. For these two exceptions, entry into Slovenia without referral to domestic quarantine and without allowing the Corona condition is valid until August 15, 2021.

Thereby allowing entry to Slovenia without referral to domestic quarantine and without the Corona condition until August 15, 2021:

  • a person who is seconded to or from a mission in the international transport sector and can prove this when crossing the border with the “Certificate for Workers in the International Transport Sector” in accordance with Annex 3 of the Commission Communication on the Introduction of Green Lanes. Health and ensuring the availability of goods and essential services (OJ C 96, 24.3.20, p. 1) or any other relevant document showing that he has been transferred by the employer;
  • a person traveling in transit through Slovenia and leaving it as soon as possible or no later than 12 hours after entry.

A person claiming one of the exemptions must prove the existence of the exemption to the police, otherwise he will be sent to domestic quarantine. In the case of a foreigner without residence in Slovenia, he may enter Slovenia and be sent to domestic quarantine for ten days only if he proves beyond doubt that he has a guaranteed quarantine place, otherwise he may not enter Slovenia.

The extension of the application of the exemptions is intended to enable persons engaged in international traffic and transit passengers to prepare for the new uniform regulation of entry conditions to Slovenia.

Agreement in the interest of Croatia vacationers

Also the SeaHelp editorial staff expressly welcomes the still short-term agreement in the sense of Croatia vacationers.

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