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New rules for Slovenia transit with harsh consequences for Croatia vacationers: Through Slovenia only with test – even on the return trip.

Transit Slovenia: Also for Croatia vacationers only with 3-G rule - Problematic on the return journey for Austrians and Germans.
Free travel at the borders should be a thing of the past if Slovenia implements the new regulation as described in the text of the law. We still hope for a diplomatic settlement.


Sometimes one is almost at a loss for words: as of July 15, Slovenia has issued Decree No. 107/21 on establishing the conditions for entering the Republic of Slovenia, which generally provides for the Rule of 3, i.e. only with proof that one has been vaccinated, tested or recovered from COVID-19. Special rules, the Austrian press agency APA reports, for transit will no longer exist as of July 15. Also, the Ă–AMTC meanwhile states on its homepage, as of July 15, the 3-G rule will apply to transit travelers to or from Croatia.

What sounds at first so harmless and reasonable, but has quite serious consequences for all Croatia vacationers, so also Germans and Austrians. Here, diplomacy is called for, in a last-minute action to still improve accordingly.

Germans and Austrians must get tested in Croatia

What does the implementation mean for Croatia vacationers concretely? There should be no problem with entry, because the 3-G rule also applies to Croatia. The thick end comes in the return journey through Slovenia to Austrians and Germans.

Austrians returning from Croatia and traveling through Slovenia had nothing to fear so far, they could take their test comfortably and mostly free of charge in Austria after their journey home. This should be an end, if the new regulation, which is also reported by the Austrian media. They will have to take a test in Croatia as early as July 15, 2021, and show proof when leaving the country, unless they are vaccinated or have recovered.

German vacationers blossom the same fate, they needed so far with the exception of a return from Zadar no test, because only Zadar on the list of the RKI is declared as Corona risk area. And here, too, a free test in Germany is sufficient to satisfy the entry requirements. They, too, would now have to take a test in Croatia if they want to travel home after July 15, 2021.

〉COVID-19 Test Stations in Croatia (List with public and private facilities | Source: | As of: 28.06.2021)

〉Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Questions and Answers (Under the item: “If I want or need to take a Covid 19 test in Croatia, where can I get a test done?”)

Congestion at Slovenian borders increases

But it could well get worse: If these measures are appropriately controlled by Slovenian border guards both on entry and exit, congestion at the border is likely to reach immense proportions. And now the so-called “Slovenian variant”: If returning holidaymakers are not checked until they leave Slovenia and they cannot prove that they were tested within 48 hours (antigen test) or 72 hours (PCR test) and are neither vaccinated nor recovered, this could constitute a quarantine violation under Slovenian law, which can be punished with a heavy fine.

Border checks take time

Even those who present the necessary papers are not exempt from difficulties in crossing the border: checking all that takes a lot of time and is likely to cause jams of unprecedented length.

Police entry regulation: those who test positive are allowed transit

According to the current legal situation, there are only two ways out to enter Austria without a Corona test: One chooses the route via Hungary or claims to be currently sick with Corona. No kidding. In the police entry decree, namely, it literally reads: A foreigner who is not in the Republic of Slovenia may not enter the Republic of Slovenia if, when crossing the border, he states that he is positive for SARS-CoV-2 or shows obvious signs of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. However, he or she may travel through the Republic of Slovenia, taking into account the recommendations of the NIJZ, if upon entry into the Republic of Slovenia he or she proves beyond reasonable doubt that the purpose of entry is only transit through the Republic of Slovenia.

Associations confirm new regulation

Whether the choice of wording was merely a matter of technical difficulties of the Slovenians in the formulation of their laws or the whole thing has a thoroughly serious background, could not be determined. From circles of the responsible persons for the Croatia tourism it was already said that the this regulation is a disaster. Inquiries at Slovenian tourism office, which in turn inquired with the responsible employees in the Slovenian government, because they obviously do not want to believe it themselves, confirmed the messages: Time from July 15 only with 3-G rule through Slovenia in transit – or you are actively infected with the corona virus. And also the ÖAMTC confirmed on explicit demand again the content of the messages on the subject of transit Slovenia.

Now diplomacy is required

Remains only to hope that on diplomatic way here still fast a solution is found. The SeaHelp editorial staff remains on the topic.

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