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VW Up “parked” in the city port Punat: From “woman at the wheel”, the driver was a man!

City port Punat: VW-up driven into the harbor basin
Will there be a parking ticket for "parking in the harbor basin"? That will probably be the least of the worries that this unlucky man will have after the accident in the town harbor of Punat.

Someone seems to have made a mistake in the parking lot in front of the town harbor of Punat on the Croatian vacation island of Krk: The driver of a VW-Up chauffeured the popular small car of the Wolfsburg group into the harbor basin of the city harbor Punat probably as swinging as involuntarily and provided thereby not only for a capital total loss at its vehicle, also two further boats, which lay at the landing stage, were damaged by the strange action. The driver remained unharmed. In any case, he provided with his probably not quite voluntary parking for enough conversation in the cafes and restaurants around the city port.

Croatian obviously confused the aisles

As could be brought further in experience, it concerns with the driver a Croatian. The VW Up with automatic transmission had obviously confused the reverse gear with the forward gear and landed with the rapid maneuver promptly in the harbor basin. In the course of progressive genderization in the media, however, it should be expressly pointed out once again at this point that the driver who caused the accident was a male of Croatian nationality and that slogans such as “woman at the wheel” are likely to be a thing of the past for the foreseeable future in the area of the town of Punat. As is well known, whoever has the damage does not have to take care of the ridicule….

Not quite everyday accident recording for police

The driver was still lucky in this case, because he came out of the vehicle safe and sound, albeit with difficulty. Even the Croatian police, who recorded the accident, could hardly stifle a mild grin in view of the situation as it presented itself to them at the scene of the accident. A precautionary breathalyzer test revealed a blood alcohol level of 0.4 per mille, according to reports. In such an incident in front of a large audience, nothing remains hidden.

Vehicle and two boats damaged

Due to the entry of salt water into the engine compartment and the passenger compartment, it is likely to be an economic total loss of the VW Up. The salvage, which probably a crane at the city port Punat must carry out, should also not be quite cheap. In addition, the damage to the two ships add up, all in all, there will probably be a pretty sum together.

Does the insurance actually pay?

It is also questionable whether the insurance at all for a collision of the passenger car with a boat on the water comes up, because normally it is not with the harbor basin necessarily around public traffic area, certainly not around the ancestral refuge of the “species” passenger car.

It was not the marine edition the VW Up

One thing should not remain unmentioned at this point, however: Although Volkswagen already presented the much-acclaimed “Marine Edition” of a VW Up ten years ago at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt, it did not make it into series production and was also intended more as a beach vehicle.


VW-up Marine Edition
The “Marine Edition” of the VW Up was presented at the IAA in Frankfurt in 2011, but never went into production.


SeaHelp response boat not damaged by “wrong-way parker”

However, one thing should be certain after this action: The proof that a VW Up is only extremely conditionally suitable as an amphibious vehicle, which was clearly provided in the city port of Punat. And to reassure all SeaHelp members: The SeaHelp rescue boat was not damaged by the “wrong parker”.

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