With the new, multilevel membership model, SeaHelp is responding to the requests of numerous members to split the respective benefits in order to achieve a still more individual protection. SeaHelp members can now obtain basic protection by the Standard Pass, though by paying a relatively small supplement, the Smart Pass with extended towing and interpreting services may present an attractice alternative. Past experience has shown that members used to ask for these specific services quite frequently. After the redesign of the membership model, Smart Pass owners are now entitled to these SeaHelp benefits free of charge. Finally, an all-round carefree package is provided by the Premium Pass, including anchor diving until 7 metres of water depth as well as comprehensive telemedical support. For all the possible minor and major ”emergencies‟ on board, the SeaHelp hotline will provide a telephone contact with an English-speaking medical doctor offering support within the framework of the existing possibilities and free of charge. During the trial period in 2019, this service has proven itself – ranging from a forgotten prescription to an ambulance transport to a German specialist clinic, all requests were easily handled and solved. Nevertheless, to avoid any misunderstandings: The initial contact in an emergency case is free of charge, all subsequent measures will be invoiced in compliance with the current pricelist of our service partner KIRT Steiermark who are acting independently and on their own account.
In addition, there is always the possibility to ask the SeaHelp Insurance for a favourable quote. In any case, either at the turn of the year or at the beginning of 2020, many owners have most probably received a letter from their yacht insurance company giving notice of a hefty premium increase. Even the SeaHelp Insurance has not remained untouched and had to adjust their premiums moderately for 2020. Nevertheless, compared to the yacht insurance market as a whole, it still remains one of the the cheapest providers. It is therefore always worth to request an offer free of charge and without obligation.
However, at the SeaHelp booth you can just relax for a while, exchange experience or share your concerns and needs in respect of your area or your boat. As in past years, Europe’s most important nautical breakdown service has always an open ear for the skippers‘ concerns and needs and is ready to intervene if necessary. And that is why the SeaHelp team is looking forward to your visit, should you be a member or just looking out for the benefits of a membership or an insurance .
First impressions from the boot Düsseldorf 2020:
[dimage url=”https://www.sea-help.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020-01-18_news_seahelp_360-grad_boot-duesseldorf-scaled.jpg” ontrol=true zoom_level=”20″ anim_speed=”-0.5″ auto-rotate=true]The calm before the storm: Already on the first day of the fair many visitors and interested parties took the opportunity to contact “their” breakdown service.