SeaHelp News


Island of Krk - Punat - Bay of Hearts - Restaurant Sv. Jurai - By the Robert - Pool

The current so to speak government-imposed deceleration opens up completely new possibilities. Sorting through a wide variety of media, the SeaHelp editorial team noticed that a video of the heart bay or Y bay on the island of Krk Sv. Juraj, known to many skippers, was still slumbering unedited on the hard drive. Here's a glimpse of Croatia's beauty and...

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Insel Sridnjak

Most obviously benefited by its advantageous geographic situation, Supetarska Draga on the island of Rab can hark back to a long seafaring tradition. Nevertheless, before reaching one of the oldest villages of the island, the sailors had to pass Sridnjak and Sailovac first. Sridnjak and Sailovac are famous for their small coves with beautiful sand and pebble beaches, that invite...

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The ferry terminal is located on the western side of the island, as well as the berths reserved for local people and fishing boats. South of the terminal (0.2 nautical miles) in Pocumarak bay, you will find a couple of anchoring buoys for mooring.

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Restaurant Masarine, Premuda

It is nearly impossible for pleasure seekers to leave Premuda island, just less than ten square kilometres large, on port or starboard as at the Restaurant Masarine, an inside tip in skipper circles, very special delicacies are literally waiting for hungry seafarers: Naturally, freshly caught fish is being served, but as well pork, beef, sheep and goat meat, as well...

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Kaprije Island Croatia

Kaprije island, located more or less at the altitude of Sibenik, got its name from the vast population of caper plants, Kaprije in Croatian. Two harbours or marinas, respectively, though this term seems a bit exaggerated for the landing stage Kaprije Ostrica, facing the mainland, invite skippers to visit the island.

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