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Travel guide: Silba Island eastern side: For private boats and yachts

The only possibility for private boats and yachts to berth on the island is on the eastern side of Silba. In the harbour area, it is just a few steps to the Konoba Mul. Those preferring to be self-sufficient or who want to replenish food stocks, will find a small, typical Croatian market at about 100 metres distance.

But, by all means, it is well worth while to explore the island by foot on a nice walk. In the town centre, where the church of Silba is located, you will get a very well impression of the general leisureliness of this place. The only person to disturb the heavenly silence every now and then is the postman with his roaring moped. Bicycles (main season) and motor cars are not allowed here.

Skippers should avoid the eastern harbour at all costs when the Bora is coming up.

SeaHelp-travel guide Silba eastern side:

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