The Austrian Boat Show / Boot Tulln is the annual meeting place for Austria’s water sports enthusiasts just before the start of the season. 360 exhibitors present a complete cross-section of the world of water sports: motorboats, sailboats, luxury yachts, electric boats, canoe & kayak, fun and diving sports, boating vacations, charter and lots of accessories. SeaHelp will also be there again, presenting its full range of services. New members save ten percent at the fair.
The Austrian Boat Show – Boot Tulln is not only a popular meeting place for the nautical scene, but also a showcase for innovations on the market: so Baotic Yachting presents with the De Antonio 36 the European Powerboat of the Year, Top Yacht shows with the Centurion FI25 a world premiere, and there are a variety of Austrian premieres to marvel at, such as the Beneteau GT41 or the Sea Ray Sundancer 320, says Michaela Brunner, exhibition manager of Boot Tulln. The largest sailing yacht on display, she said, is the Hanse 510, which is sure to amaze show visitors.
Europe’s largest breakdown and recovery service for recreational boating will present its services in Hall 6 / Stand 652
Europe’s largest breakdown and recovery service for recreational shipping to provide assistance in non-life-threatening situations, SeaHelp, is also traditionally represented again with its own stand in Hall 6 / Stand 652. “We are very pleased that the Austrian Boat Show /Boot Tulln from 2 to 5 March 2023 will finally take place again and present our entire range of services at the Austrian trade fair in the heart of Europe,” says SeaHelp Managing Director Wolfgang Dauser.
“Currently there are 31 bases across Europe with 34 powerful and specially equipped operational boats: on the German Baltic coast, in Croatia, Slovenia, on the Italian Adriatic coast, on the Balearic Islands, on the Costa Brava, in the Netherlands and on Lake Garda”, says Wolfgang Dauser. Competent expert advice on all areas, on the SeaHelp bases and on all matters of leisure shipping is offered as well as the latest products of SeaHelp-Insurance.
Welcome promotion for new members: visit booth, become a member, save ten percent!
Those who decide to sign up for a SeaHelp membership at the show will save a whopping ten percent on their annual membership fee. In addition, visitors to the Boat Show can have the hot-off-the-press SeaHelp Magazine handed out free of charge at the SeaHelp booth – chock-full of useful information and news about yachting 2023.
Info Boat Tulln:
Opening hours: Thursday, March 2 to Sunday, March 5, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.
Admission prices: Adults: 14 euros, senior citizens and students card: 12 euros, youth card (6-15 years): 3 euros, children up to six years: free admission, group ticket (from 20 pers.): per person 12 euros.
Location: Exhibition grounds Tulln.
What can be found where?
Hall 3: Motorboats, motor yachts and electric boats.
Hall 4: Tourism and charter, sailing competence center of the Austrian Boat Show.
Hall 5: Sailing Competence Center of the Austrian Boat Show
Hall 4, 5 and 6: Nautical accessories
Hall 6: SeaHelp booth no. 652, Stand Up Paddling and Windsurfing, competence center for canoe, kayak, Canadian and rowing boats.
Hall 8: diving sports with diving tower
Hall 10: Sailing yachts and sailboats.
More info and discounted tickets at: