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Security measures G7 summit: Italy: Tighter border controls on land – and by sea until 18 June 2024

After coronavirus, drivers and sports skippers breathed a sigh of relief as there were no more border controls. This is now set to end for the time being – at least until 18 June. The reason for this is the G7 summit taking place in Italy until then.

For drivers travelling south, there are currently checks at the Italian border again. This means traffic jams and waiting times. The reason for the reintroduced border controls and the suspension of the Schengen Agreement by the Italian authorities is the luxury hotel in the Apulian Borgo Egnazia ongoing G7 summit – with representatives of the major industrialised countries USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France and the host Italy.

The reason for the stricter controls is likely to be the fear of terrorist attacks and disruption. The security authorities are therefore trying to obtain information about people entering the country in advance. Drivers should therefore not only be prepared for traffic jams and longer waiting times during this period, they should also be sure to carry an identity card or passport with them.

Border controls at internal borders as a security measure for the G7 summit – this should also apply to boats

What applies to drivers on the road will also apply to boaters up to and including 18 June: “As a result of the summit of the G7 heads of state and government, which will take place on Italian territory, the Ministry of the Interior has announced the temporary reintroduction of internal border controls from 5 June at 2 pm until 18 June. June at 2 pm until 18 June 2024 at 2 pm”, Maura Dagnino from the port management of the Porto San Rocco Marina Resort in Muggia is quoted as saying.

According to this, “all boaters entering or leaving Italy are obliged to notify the border police for maritime traffic”. Even though SeaHelp has not yet been able to confirm this procedure of the Italian border police by sea, it is recommended to prepare for the new situation and, if necessary, to expect stricter controls during this time.

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