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COVID-19 vaccination in Istria/Croatia: “Nema Problema” also for vacationers

Corona-Impfung: Urlauber können sich in Istrien kostenlos gegen Covid-19 impfen lassen
Unkompliziert und mit einem hohen Maß an Gastfreundschaft: Deutsche wurden in Istrien kostenlos gegen Corona geimpft und die Impfung im Impfbuch eingetragen.

Can I get vaccinated against COVID-19 as a vacationer in Croatia? A question that even the SeaHelp editorial team could not answer without a doubt right away. Since the people in question were staying in Istria, we asked the Tourism Association Istria and received back as an answer an equally astonishing as typical for the country “Nema problema”, which probably needs no further translation. And even better: The vaccination in Croatia is free of charge and is registered in the vaccination passport, so that one has no problems at the borders with the return journey to Austria or Germany and is considered thus also in Germany as vaccinated. Istria takes care of its guests in such a caring way – it would be hard to implement “Safe stay in Croatia” better than that.

Safe and comfortable in Istria

The German couple had already moved to Istria in the spring “because the incidence figures were extremely low there and there were not as many restrictions as, for example, in Germany,” they shared. In Istria in particular, it was no problem to comply with the essential Corona rules, they said, because the local population also adhered to the government’s guidelines. “This confirmed us also the incidence figures of the SeaHelp homepage, which we follow regularly”, the German couple continued.

Escaping German foul weather

However, they followed events in Germany just as regularly and decided to stay longer, partly to escape the grimy weather. The planned short vacation in Istria eventually turned into a long-term stay. However, in order to protect themselves sustainably from the coronavirus, one should finally be vaccinated, hence the request for vaccination options in Croatia.

Help from the Istrian Tourist Board

Since even the SeaHelp editorial staff was overwhelmed with this not everyday request, a friendly lady from the Istrian Tourist Board had to help. She named possible vaccination centers in Istria and was sure they would vaccinate tourists there.

Corona vaccinations in Istria on free for tourists

The two long-term vacationers were able – which is not always a matter of course in Croatia – to arrange a vaccination appointment without any problems and even had the choice of which vaccine they would prefer. One decided in the vaccination center for Johnson & Johnson, received the protective dose. “What surprised us: The vaccination was also free for tourists and still on the spot the entry in the vaccination card was made,” said the visibly surprised holidaymakers in view of the new freedom. In an additional mail to the SeaHelp editorial staff, they said, “We have just been vaccinated free of charge in Porec with Johnson and Johnson.” As proof, they held the entry in the vaccination card to the camera and sent the photos.

Map shows vaccination progress in Croatia

It should be undisputed that COVID-19 vaccinations help bring a bit of normalcy back to life and, of course, to vacation plans for countries such as Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. Those who are vaccinated can easily cross borders, visit restaurants and attend events in many places. For Croatia, too, the Croatian health authorities have now published a map that shows, down to the smallest towns, what percentage of the population is “vaccinated through.”


Vaccination status in the respective Croatian regions
What is the vaccination status in each Croatian region? This map gives information about it, unfortunately only in Croatian language. The data is displayed when you click on the individual regions. | Screenshot: HRVATSKI ZAVOD ZA JAVNO ZDRAVSTVO


Vaccination rate for tourism workers high

Based on this map, vacationers can see how the vaccination coverage of the population is in their favorite vacation region in Croatia. In general, the vaccination rate is about 20% below the German and Austrian level, but as reported by the Croatian Ministry of Tourism, most employees in tourism and catering businesses in the coastal regions are now vaccinated, so that you can enjoy your stay in Croatia even in the off-season carefree.

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