Coronavirus new infections with 748 COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours reached their highest level so far this year on October 14, 2020. So much for the bad news, which will certainly be spread quickly in the media. The good news, which is also often concealed, is that the northern coastal regions are hardly affected, and Istria in particular has so far effectively prevented the spread of the virus with strict measures.
[wppress-covid19 display=”bar” country=”Croatia” custom_title=”yes” custom_title_text=”Croatia – New infections per day” width=”720″ height=”300″ responsive=”no” show_confirmed=”yes” show_deaths=”no” show_recovered=”no” show_active=”no” confirmed_legend=”Confirmed” deaths_legend=”case of death” recovered_legend=”recovered” active_legend=”current cases” padding=”0″ border_radius=”0″ background_color=”#00000000″ title_color=”#333333″ confirmed_color=”#5082c7″ deaths_color=”#d04b5a” recovered_color=”#4caf50″ active_color=”#e38b4f” title_font_size=”18″ /]
[wppress-covid19 display=”chart” country=”Croatia” custom_title=”yes” custom_title_text=”Croatia – Current total number of infected” width=”720″ height=”300″ responsive=”yes” show_daily_change=”no” show_confirmed=”no” show_deaths=”no” show_recovered=”no” show_active=”yes” active_legend=”current cases” padding=”0″ border_radius=”0″ background_color=”#00000000″ title_color=”#333333″ active_color=”#e38b4f” title_font_size=”18″ /]
New “old” coronavirus hotspots: Zagreb and Split
As almost expected, the cities of Zagreb (211) and Split/Dalmatia (128) are the main contributors to the high numbers of new infections. The coastal regions were relatively spared from the rising corona numbers, the majority of infected persons in the overall statistics are located in the interior of the country.
Istria significantly safer
Even if nearby countries such as Austria and Slovenia are reluctant to take note of it: The situation in the northern part of Croatia such as Istria is much better than in many Austrian and Slovenian regions. This is confirmed to us also again and again travelers, who are in the appropriate regions despite travel warning from Austria and partial travel warning from Germany.
Corona in Split predominantly in the hinterland
A SeaHelp member who is currently still in the Split region reported relaxed conditions on site: “Corona is not an issue here on the coast, most new infections with the virus are in the back country or directly in the city of Split. We always feel safer here than in Vienna.” What one wishes for, however, is that the Austrian government should take a more differentiated view of the individual regions.
“Causa Croatia” – criticism on Facebook
Also on Facebook many angry users make themselves air about the behavior of the Austrian government in the “cause Croatia”. The comments range from: “Actually every dutiful Austrian citizen with family should flee to Croatia to protect himself from the contaminated Austria” to less drastic suggestions like “What would be the point of showing a confirmation from the hotel or landlord or from a marina at the border? I see the warning level 6 for coronavirus risk areas. But the coastal areas are not coronavirus risk areas…”
Inquiry to Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz
Another SeaHelp member wrote to the office of the German Chancellor Sebastian Kurz regarding the travel warnings Croatia and received the following message:
With reference to your criticism of the travel warning for Croatia, which is expressed by the Federal Government, which is since 17 August 0.00 o’clock in force, we may point out that a strongly increasing number of again-infected from the vacation from Croatia returned and accelerated the infection happening in Austria thus. However, we can assure you that the Federal Government is coordinating and continuously evaluating the risk assessment for the various EU Member States in coordination with the relevant medical experts.
Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is in favor of coordination at the European level, as well as the most differentiated approach possible when issuing travel warnings. In general, the travel information provided by the Foreign Ministry should be seen as recommendations and useful tips for careful travel planning. The safety and security of Austrians always has the highest priority.”
clarification at European level
Words like “coordination at European level” or “differentiated approach” sound pretty good from the office of German Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Let’s hope that they do not remain mere lip service.
Coronavirus: figures Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia in comparison
In order to better classify the figures in Croatia in the overall European context, here is a comparison: Croatia with approx. 4.2 million inhabitants reported 748 new corona infections on October 14th, Austria with approx. 8.8 million inhabitants 1346 new COVID-19 infections and Slovenia with approx. 2.1 million inhabitants also reported 707 new coronavirus infections on October 14th. Germany with approx. 83 million inhabitants reported almost 5,200 new coronavirus infections on the same day.
Further Information:
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