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The true background behind the message: In Croatia for the first time also tourists infected with COVID-19

Covid-19 Croatia: Currently decreasing new corona infections
Full beaches and harbours cannot be found in Croatia at the moment, but there is a lot of nature, which the Corona breathing space seems to do well.

If one analyses the daily news with regard to COVID-19 infections caused by sars-CoV-2, it sometimes makes the inclined reader smile, despite the serious background, when one reads the results of studies that are actually meant seriously. For example, the Croatian media are currently reporting on a British study which concludes that people who walk at less than 4.8 kilometres per hour are twice as likely to suffer from a severe COVID-19 infection than people who walk at an average of more than 6.4 kilometres per hour. Let’s just check this news under the heading “Unnecessary knowledge” and move on to the more useful news.

Number of COVID-19 new infections declining again

The sharp increase in COVID-19 new infections in the last few days, especially in Croatia, seems to have returned to a more or less normal level and has halved from more than 100 new infections daily. In the last 24 hours 52 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus infections were registered, the number of currently sick (active cases) confirmed in Croatia is now 1183 patients in total. Among them there are 129 patients in hospital, 5 of whom were connected to a ventilator, as announced on 14 July 2020 at the daily press conference of the Ministry of Health.

Constantly updated table of COVID-19 infections in Croatia

Updated every 30 minutes. Values can be shown or hidden by tapping the legend. For detailed values move the mouse over the bars. data source: Johns Hopkins University

[wppress-covid19 display=”bar” country=”Croatia” custom_title=”yes” custom_title_text=”Croatia – New infections per day” width=”720″ height=”250″ responsive=”yes” show_confirmed=”yes” show_deaths=”yes” show_recovered=”yes” show_active=”yes” confirmed_legend=”Bestätigt” deaths_legend=”Todesfälle” recovered_legend=”genesen” active_legend=”aktuelle Fälle” padding=”0″ border_radius=”0″ background_color=”#00000000″ title_color=”#333333″ confirmed_color=”#5082c7″ deaths_color=”#d04b5a” recovered_color=”#4caf50″ active_color=”#e38b4f” title_font_size=”18″ /]
[wppress-covid19 display=”chart” country=”Croatia” custom_title=”yes” custom_title_text=”Croatia – Current total number of infected” width=”720″ height=”250″ responsive=”yes” show_daily_change=”no” show_confirmed=”no” show_deaths=”no” show_recovered=”no” show_active=”yes” active_legend=”aktuelle Fälle” padding=”0″ border_radius=”0″ background_color=”#00000000″ title_color=”#333333″ active_color=”#e38b4f” title_font_size=”18″ /]

Keep up to date with the Corona pandemic. This table from Johns Hopkins University is intended to provide neutral information about the current epidemiological situation in Croatia. At the same time, however, the figures should be classified realistically.

Starting point Istria: Home for the elderly

COVID-19 infections reported from Istria have their origin mainly in a nursing home in Umag. In general, the corona hotspots are located largely outside the regions in the east of the country visited by tourists.

Tourists infected

At this point, however, it should not be concealed that new infections with COVID-19 have also been detected in tourists. But before some media put the topic in the spotlight again, we provide our readers with the background information: The tourists are a Serbian citizen, three Swedes, one British and two Americans. All of them were infected in their home countries, not in Croatia. In the end it is not surprising, because the epidemiological situation in Serbia as well as in Sweden, England and the USA is much worse than in Germany, Austria or Croatia.

Masked pledge is kept

If you know these backgrounds, you will certainly be more relaxed when dealing with COVID-19. In Croatia, it seems as if the lesson has been learned from the last high infection numbers. In the cities and municipalities, after first reports from holidaymakers, one can see that mask duty and distance rules are observed as far as possible. Whether shopping in the supermarket or entering public buildings – the mask is part of it again in Croatia. Also the waiters in the restaurants have to do their not always so easy job now with a mouth and nose protection. According to initial reports, inspections by the authorities are the order of the day.

Holiday fun video on Instagram and Facebook

The fact that despite the restrictions, which were partly reintroduced in other countries, you can have fun and enjoyment while on vacation in Croatia is shown in an Instagram video on the SeaHelp channel. Water sports enthusiasts cavort in a bay, which on superficial observation can give the impression that the “Ballermann mood” is now spilling over into Croatia. But if you take a closer look, you’ll soon see that families have fun here while observing the distance rules – just as the “Corona etiquette” demands. After a long bath in the Adriatic, the only thing you can do without is washing your hands.

Epidemiological exceptional position for skippers

For this reason alone, we stick to our opinion: For water sports enthusiasts, who have had a special position in the entry regulations since the beginning of the corona crisis, there should be no greater risk of corona infection in the future either. Seasoned with a pinch of common sense, they can currently even enjoy a stay in Croatia, which has not been possible in recent years due to the large number of tourists.

Experience Croatia in peace now

Many SeaHelp members even report after their return from the Adriatic country about paradisiacal conditions and a nature that seems to be recovering strongly right now. The respite from mass tourism is obviously doing her good.

Important links for the journey to Croatia

Congestion Austria
Border waiting times Austria/Slovenia
Border waiting times border Croatia

Attention: Do not forget to register with EnterCroatia for entry into Croatia!

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