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Because of rising corona numbers in Croatia: From July 13th onwards, masks are compulsory in supermarkets and restaurants

Croatia covid-19: Corona numbers rising - mask obligation
Increasing new corona infections in Croatia make masks compulsory in supermarkets and restaurants.

As the coronavirus cases caused by Sars-CoV-2 have increased again in Croatia, the National Civil Defence has ordered mandatory masking in supermarkets, hotels and restaurants, for all health sector employees as well as in public transport and hospitals as of 13 July 2020.

Rising number of new infections in Croatia

For several days, new infections with the Sars-CoV-2 virus have been registered in Croatia in the triple-digit range, and from 10 to 11 July alone, the authorities reported a total of 140 new COVID-19 cases, which ultimately prompted the decision to strengthen the protective measures for the population again. This trend should also continue in the figures to be published on Sunday 12 July.

Constantly updated table of COVID-19 infections in Croatia

Updated every 30 minutes. Values can be shown or hidden by tapping the legend. For detailed values move the mouse over the bars. data source: Johns Hopkins University

[wppress-covid19 display=”bar” country=”Croatia” custom_title=”yes” custom_title_text=”Croatia – New infections per day” width=”720″ height=”250″ responsive=”yes” show_confirmed=”yes” show_deaths=”yes” show_recovered=”yes” show_active=”yes” confirmed_legend=”Bestätigt” deaths_legend=”Todesfälle” recovered_legend=”genesen” active_legend=”aktuelle Fälle” padding=”0″ border_radius=”0″ background_color=”#00000000″ title_color=”#333333″ confirmed_color=”#5082c7″ deaths_color=”#d04b5a” recovered_color=”#4caf50″ active_color=”#e38b4f” title_font_size=”18″ /]
[wppress-covid19 display=”chart” country=”Croatia” custom_title=”yes” custom_title_text=”Croatia – Current total number of infected” width=”720″ height=”250″ responsive=”yes” show_daily_change=”no” show_confirmed=”no” show_deaths=”no” show_recovered=”no” show_active=”yes” active_legend=”aktuelle Fälle” padding=”0″ border_radius=”0″ background_color=”#00000000″ title_color=”#333333″ active_color=”#e38b4f” title_font_size=”18″ /]

Keep up to date with the Corona pandemic. This table from Johns Hopkins University is intended to provide neutral information about the current epidemiological situation in Croatia. At the same time, however, the figures should be classified realistically.

Europe-wide increase in new corona infections

However, Croatia is in good company with this development: In parts of Austria and even on the Spanish holiday island of Majorca, measures against the coronavirus pandemic had to be stepped up again following a noticeable rise in new infections.

Holidaymakers hardly affected

However, holidaymakers who want to spend the most beautiful days of the year on the Croatian Adriatic should not panic now: The measures, which will apply throughout Croatia on Monday, had already been implemented in Istria, because in the northern part of Croatia, where tourism is generally particularly strong, the number of new infections is to be kept low for economic reasons alone. And mouth-and-nose protection in places where many people inevitably meet makes sense in the end.

So far only local outbreaks

Moreover, despite everything, one should take a closer look: With the exception of the Split region, most corona hotspots are currently located away from the tourist centres, namely in Eastern Slavonia or the capital Zagreb. While Split, for example, reported a total of 11 new infections from the past 24 hours on Saturday, Sibenik reported not a single infection with the corona virus on the same day.

More than half a million holidaymakers in Croatia

Obviously, this assessment of the situation has also been accepted by holidaymakers, who do not pay much attention to the daily “water level reports” on coronavirus, but prefer to use common sense or common sense. According to the Croatian tourist board, there are currently about half a million holidaymakers in Croatia. On Saturday alone, arrivals reported long traffic jams at the border crossings, not least because of the increased controls.

Saturday long waiting times at borders

Holiday traffic in the direction of Croatia in particular caused mile-long traffic jams on the popular transit routes. Block handling on entry into Slovenia at the Karawanken tunnel put many holidaymakers to an initial test of patience before traffic jammed again at the Slovenian-Croatian border. Most holidaymakers had to wait two to three hours at the Rupa border crossing, which took all day.

“Detour” Italy does not help to avoid traffic jams

So it did not help to travel via Italy and Koper. Here, too, the SeaHelp editors wrote to the SeaHelp editorial team about hours of waiting time when crossing the border into Croatia, because the data of those entering the country is still being recorded because of the COVID-19 situation in Croatia and many vacationers obviously don’t consider it necessary to register in advance under Enter Croatia.

Holiday situation in Croatia as in the rest of Europe

Looking at the situation across Europe, Croatia is not an isolated case: Holidaymakers on the Ballermann, crowded Baltic Sea beaches with regional access restrictions, Bavarian national parks where hordes of hikers cavort in disregard of the rules of distance – it seems as if you leave all precautions at home when you start your holiday. So it doesn’t help to promote holidays in one’s own country for epidemiological reasons in order to actually generate income for the national tourism industry, when in Bavaria, for example, an app is already needed to regulate access to national parks.

Safest on the yacht

Therefore, the following will continue to apply: Holidays on a yacht or in an apartment, at best still with a trailer boat in Croatia is always safer than standing in line in front of the lifts in the mountains of Austria or Germany. The rules of distance are more likely to be observed on the water than on land, and everyone is responsible for hygiene on board and during evening shore leave – just like at home.

Read also:
Corona figures Croatia up to date: Istria again tightens COVID-19 measures – in general more new infections in Croatia

Important links for the journey to Croatia

Congestion Austria
Border waiting times Austria/Slovenia
Border waiting times border Croatia

Attention: Do not forget to register with EnterCroatia for entry into Croatia!

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