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Attention pleasure craft: Closure of larger sea areas off Rab due to interdepartmental exercise “Security 24” on June 13, 2024

Attention recreational boating: The waterway in Sv. Fumija Bay, the anchorage of the Port of Rab and the Port of Palit and sv. Euphemia will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, June 13, reports; in addition, part of the waterway will also be completely closed to recreational boating at a distance of 300 meters from the coast around the Frkanj peninsula, Kandarola Bay, Cape Frkanj and the Frkanj shallows.

On Thursday, June 13, the interdepartmental exercise “Security 24” will take place on Rab, in which Prime Minister Andrej Plenković will also participate, reports in its announcement on Tuesday. The exercise is being carried out by the Croatian Firefighters Association in cooperation with the relevant authorities of the homeland security system.

The plan is to practice extinguishing a fire on the deck of the Ferry of Rapska plovidba from 4 pm on Thursday in the area of the waters off the town of Rab, specifically the anchorage of the port of Rab.

The scenario is that a fire breaks out on the ship and spreads quickly, the ship’s crew loses control of the fire and therefore asks for help. A helicopter from the Croatian armed forces would then lower the NAMIRG firefighting team onto the ship.

During the exercise, a fire is extinguished on a ferry; the ship is then brought to the berth in the port of Rab

Once the fire has been extinguished, the ship will be moved from its anchorage to the berth in the port of Rab, where the damage caused by the fire will be assessed.

In addition, during the exercise, another fire will break out in Kampor, in the area of the Frkanj peninsula, which will quickly spread to the east and endanger citizens.

The local fire departments and other additional firefighters would then begin to extinguish the fire from the mainland. These forces would be supported by water-fighting aircraft from the Croatian armed forces, which would discharge the water collected in the bay of St. Fumija into the area affected by the fire, the report continues.

A fire is also being fought on the mainland as part of the exercise – supported by fire-fighting aircraft from the Croatian armed forces

In terms of recreational boating, this means that there will be special traffic rules and some restrictions on the day of the exercise June 13. For example, there will be a ban on mooring at the New Promenade and a ban on navigation in the Bay of St. Nicholas and the Dubrovnik River, as well as a ban on moving and swimming from the Frkanj restaurant to Cape Frkanj and, finally, a ban on drones.

Attention: there are many sailing restrictions for recreational boating for tomorrow, Thursday

According to the report, the “action areas” would affect the waterway in the bay of Sv. Fumija, the anchorage of the port of Rab and the port of Palit as well as sv. Euphemia. Part of the waterway will also be closed at a distance of 300 meters from the coast around the Frkanj peninsula, Kandarola Bay, Cape Frkanj and the Frkanj shoals, the statement added.

Interested citizens will have the opportunity to follow the exercise live from Pjaceta, Fra Odorik Badurina promenade and the area of St. Anthony, author Lucian Borić from concludes his report. It is expected that Prime Minister Plenković will also follow the exercise from the city walls.

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