Boat lovers know the dilemma and the often difficult question: charter or buy? It's not an easy decision, because this is often where emotions meet rationality. Two worlds that you and your personal environment have to deal with. The decision essentially depends on your own preferences, the planned use, the preferred area and, last but not least, of course, the...
Read moreIf you want to go boating more often, at some point you will be faced with the question: buy or charter? Or are there perhaps other models for reducing costs and realising the purchase at a reasonable price - without compromising the fun of water sports? Thoughts on an expensive hobby. Anyone who has caught the boating bug will be...
Read moreWho would like to buy a yacht, is well advised to secure itself, otherwise a bad surprise could threaten. But also who wants to sell his used yacht, should look carefully, with whom he gets involved: a SeaHelp member informed the editorial staff about a criminal scam of alleged boat buyers - who are actually but not at all about...
Read moreThe dream of owning a boat begins with a series of questions that future owners must ask themselves critically, our checklist helps. The planned use of the boat is just as important as the suitable berth and the running costs. SeaHelp has compiled ten points, with the help of which the search for the right ship can be concretized.. Checklist...
Read moreThe last two years have brought an unprecedented boom to shipyards and boat dealers. Many who previously only dreamed of buying a sailing or motor yacht are now proud owners. And who decides now for a shipyard-new ship, must count on a waiting period of several years. So rather invest in a used yacht? With these SeaHelp tips for successful...
Read moreOwners of GRP yachts can not avoid dealing with the issue of osmosis, because a not or not properly treated osmosis can quickly destroy the complete structure of a ship. In particular, if the yacht is to be driven for a long time in warmer waters, it is recommended in advance an inspection and, if necessary, a preventive osmosis treatment.....
Read moreWhen a person living in the European Union wants to import a yacht from a non-EU country into the EU, for example when buying a yacht in the USA and bringing it to Germany, customs import duties are incurred. SeaHelp explains when a so-called customs operation (import operation) is present, and how high the duties are.. It sounds tempting: a...
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