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Big Game Fishing Orebic 2022: SeaHelp supports and provides assistance

Big Game Fishing Challenge 2022 in Orebic
SeaHelp supported the participants of the Big Game Fishing Challenge 2022 in Orebic by providing technical assistance.

Big Game Fishing – this is a type of fishing that is also increasing more and more on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, especially in the region of Orebic. Those who think that in the Adriatic Sea only “plate-ready” bream, sole and sea bass swim, see themselves deceived. Meanwhile, a small fan community has formed around the hunt for the “thick chunks” in the Adriatic of Croatia. One of the best-known events that attract large crowds annually along the Croatian coast is the Big Game Orebic Challenge 2022, which took place off the Dalmatian coast at the end of May.

SeaHelp supports Big Game Fishing Orebic 2022

SeaHelp supported the event by providing technical assistance within the specified fishing zone. The complimentary assistance included approach, towing of damaged yachts, fuel deliveries and launch assistance. SeaHelp also provided a one-year standard pass membership as a prize.

Big Game Fishing in Croatia

At the same time, Big Game Fishing has long since ceased to be reserved only for the inhabitants of Florida, where Ernest Hemingway was considered one of the greatest advocates of this type of fishing. The numerous offers for big game fishing in the Sunshine State Florida, where yachts equipped with fishing rods hunt for tuna & Co. still testify to this today. Pulling one of the coveted trophies, which can weigh more than 50 kilos, on board is considered a certain art that not every deep-sea angler has mastered. In the battle of man against fish, the angler is often the loser.

Yachts well maintained

However, the SeaHelp task forces did not have to complain about too much work during the Big Game Fishing Challenge 2022 off Orebic: The yachts were all well maintained and obviously not the first time on the water after wintering out.

Ten tuna caught

A total of ten tuna were hooked, the winner’s specimen weighed an impressive 66.2 kilograms.

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