The first data of the SeaHelp inquiry to risks of the infection with the Coronavirus in Croatia are present and the result might hardly surprise at least the boat and yacht owners as well as the charter guests in Croatia: Only 0.086 per cent (less than one person per thousand participants) of the water sportsmen, who spent their vacation in Croatia this year, infected themselves according to own data with the Coronavirus. But the inquiry shows one clearly: Between travel returnees from Croatia should be differentiated in the future, because it makes a large difference whether one stayed as water sportsmen or party tourist at the Adria.
Good hygiene concept in marinas
At the same time, the protective measures in the Croatian marinas were given predominantly good to very good marks: 81.2% of the participants rated the hygiene concept as very good or good. Satisfactory, i.e. still quite satisfied with the protective measures against the coronavirus, 8.6% of the survey participants still found the situation in the Croatian marinas satisfactory.
Hygiene measures also satisfactory in restaurants
Somewhat more critically, but still within the green range the participants of the inquiry rated the stay in the restaurants in Croatia outside the marinas. 84.8% of the guests felt the protective measures against the Coronavirus between very good (29.9%) and satisfying (15.8%). However, some participants also gave significantly worse marks. But after all, a visit to a restaurant gives you the opportunity to turn your back on sales if you don’t like the corresponding measures.
Less than one per mil of the water sports enthusiasts infected
However, the ultimate question was: How high is the risk of infection with the corona virus for water sports enthusiasts? The nautical breakdown service SeaHelp published a survey on its homepage to provide answers. Only boat and yacht owners, trailer boat drivers and charter guests, who spent their vacation in Croatia in this year are to participate. Surprising the result was not in the long run: Less than one of thousand water sportsmen let know, it infected itself in Croatia. A result, which can lie even quite still in the context of inevitable inaccuracies of such an inquiry.
water sportsmen with extremely low corona infection risk in Croatia
Why Croatia of all places? Because of the heated discussion in Germany and Austria about travel returnees, who are supposed to have been infected with Corona, a comparison is naturally offered here. In the long run not only national borders decide on the spreading of a virus, but also the behavior and the reason of the holiday-makers at their respective destination on the danger of an infection. And figures provided by the editors from Kärnten confirm that infections with the corona virus are currently probably found mainly in younger travelers returning home, while vacationers over 30 years of age have hardly ever tested positive. It should be noted that these figures refer to all those returning to Carinthia, not just water sports enthusiasts.
And that’s exactly why water sports enthusiasts cannot be compared with other vacationers on the whole: Those who travel on a boat or yacht in the Adriatic Sea inevitably expose themselves to a lower risk than those who use a package vacation for extensive visits to relevant clubs and beach parties.
Additional basis for decision for future corona regulations
SeaHelp has launched the survey to obtain reasonably reliable figures. The ultimate goal should be to raise the awareness of water sports enthusiasts, but also of the regulators, that the risk potential of an infection is not only dependent on the region in which one is staying. Rather it is also crucial how one behaves locally, and/or which vacation form one selects.
The real question should be Which travel returnees ?
First realizations point already once to the fact that clearly less than one per mille of all water sportsmen infected themselves in Croatia. This rate lies a multiple under the values, which is communicated at present by official side over travel returnees from Croatia. For this reason it seems meaningful to take part as water sportsmen and at the same time as returnees from Croatia vacation in the inquiry to be able to supply usable results with as broad a data basis as possible. Here it goes to the SeaHelp inquiry:
SeaHelp-Umfrage: Haben sich Wassersportler mit Coronavirus in Kroatien infiziert?
Due to the lively participation, SeaHelp has decided to continue the survey much longer than planned in order to achieve a high degree of reliability of the resulting statements through a correspondingly high participation.