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At road and boat refueling stations: Record prices for gasoline and diesel in Croatia.

Fuel prices for gasoline and diesel in Croatia: Shell gas station in Medulin
The Shell gas station at the entrance to Medulin on October 12, 2021: The prices posted on the price pole will probably surprise many Croatian vacationers.


Anyone currently staying in Croatia or planning a short trip to Croatia will probably rub their eyes in amazement, because fuel prices for gasoline, diesel and even LPG are at record levels in October. With an increase to over 11 kuna per liter of gasoline and diesel, the fuel prices have reached historic highs, experts assume that this price level will probably be maintained for a longer period. Boat and yacht owners are not spared from this: at many boat refueling stations, prices have already been adjusted accordingly.

Highs for gasoline, diesel, LPG

For example, at the Shell gas station in Medulin on October 12, the liter of diesel cost 11.76 kuna. Converted with an exchange rate of 7.5 kuna per euro, this results in a diesel price of 1.58 euros. A liter of gasoline currently costs 11.45 kuna, or 1.53 euros, and those who want or need to treat their engines to high-octane fuel pay 12.13 kuna, or 1.62 euros, for premium gasoline. And even the actually inexpensive autogas, also called LPG or GPL in some countries, was not spared from the increase in fuel prices in Croatia. 5.94 kuna, or 79 cents, is the price of a liter of LPG at gas stations.


Fuel prices for gasoline and diesel in Croatia: Gasoil service station in Pula
Things don’t look much better in Pula either: Regardless of brand, prices have risen considerably throughout Croatia, as the picture from October 13, 2021 shows.


Also often more expensive at boat fueling stations

Boat and yacht owners are not spared from this: the reopened flash boat refueling station in Medulin showed a (gratifying!) price of 11.35 kuna for a liter of diesel and 11.40 kuna for a liter of gasoline on October 13. However, the often somewhat higher prices for fuel at the boat refueling stations generally result from the higher expenses for the provision of the fuel as well as the seasonal use.


Fuel prices for gasoline and diesel in Croatia: Flash boat refueling station in Marina Medulin
The newly opened flash boat filling station in the area of the marina near Medulin has also been affected by the price increases for gasoline and diesel, but these are currently within manageable limits compared to the street filling stations.


SeaHelp members save

SeaHelp members, however, can save at some boat refueling stations: Due to member benefits, they pay a price lowered by 0.15 kuna per liter at Flash gas stations, for example, when they provide proof of SeaHelp membership, since the Flash gas station chain is one of the SeaHelp benefits partners. Likewise, SeaHelp members receive a price advantage of 0.10 kuna per liter at all Crodux fuel stations – not just boat fuel stations.

Red line crossed at 11 kuna per liter

With the price increase of over 11 kuna, the prices of gasoline and diesel in Croatia have crossed a historic line, and the media are also reporting historic high prices for gasoline and diesel for the whole of Croatia. However, it should be noted at this point: As in all of Europe, the state also collects more 60% most different taxes on fuels such as gasoline and diesel in Croatia.

Rising crude oil prices worldwide

The reason for high fuel prices is primarily due to increased world prices for crude oil, which in turn is likely due to increased demand in some countries such as China. The resurgent economy following the flattening of the Corona pandemic is also leading to increased demand in crude oil markets.

Clever fuel on arrival

At least when traveling to Croatia, you can beat the high fuel prices in Croatia by doing some quick research on the Internet beforehand to see where refueling is really worthwhile. In general, the prices for gasoline and diesel in Austria are below the prices in Germany, if you do not fill up at the highway gas stations. Here it is well worth leaving the highway once. If you are traveling to Croatia via Italy, we recommend that you give the expensive Italian highway gas stations a wide berth. Here, gasoline and diesel are a no-go, but espresso, cappuccino & Co a treat.

Slovenia sometimes cheaper because of variable taxes

In Slovenia, you should keep your eyes open and risk a look at the gas station price poles more often: While Slovenia has not been spared the global rise in crude oil prices, unlike many other EU countries, fuel taxation moves within a flexible framework rather than a rigid one. This means that if prices at gas stations for gasoline and diesel rise, the state sometimes waives part of the tax so that driving remains affordable.

Petrol price apps only for certain countries

A corresponding app that reliably offers all fuel prices in Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia as well as Switzerland in one application, for example, does not exist. However, there are reliable applications for iPhones and Android phones for Germany (Clever tanken), Austria (Ă–AMTC), Italy (Prezzi Benzina), Slovenia and Croatia (HAK), which can be used to plan fuel stops before the start of a trip. And Google Maps also provides good hints here.

Tips from readers wanted on Facebook

The SeaHelp Facebook page is also happy to receive tips for appropriate tools with which one can get a better grip on the nevertheless quite volatile prices for gasoline and diesel. But at the end of the day, it’s probably true for most travelers: A full tank of gas when traveling from Austria to Croatia can’t hurt…

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