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Easter vacation in Istria (Croatia) not affected by Corona test obligation: Test obligation from non-risk areas only when flying to Germany.

Germany: Obligatory testing for air travel at Easter, return travel by car from vacation in Istria / Croatia without obligatory testing.Germany: Obligatory testing for air travel at Easter, return travel by car from vacation in Istria / Croatia without obligatory testing.
German citizens who travel to Croatia/Istria (not a Corona risk area) in their own car do not have to be tested for the Corona virus before re-entering Germany. The testing obligation applies exclusively to air travel.

Attention: No Corona testing obligation when entering Germany by car from non-risk areas such as Istria (as of 26.03. 2021) – as reported in numerous media outlets, German vacationers returning home by plane from foreign countries, such as Croatia, after an Easter vacation are required to get tested at their vacation destination before returning because of the Corona pandemic, even if it is not a coronavirus risk area. So that there are no misunderstandings: This regulation only applies to air travelers and is only monitored at airports, not for vacationers who are starting or have started their vacation trip in their own vehicle.

No testing requirement for self travel Istria with passenger car

This concerns just before Easter numerous Istria vacationers. Because of the low incidence figures in Istria, the northern part of Croatia was removed from the list of RKI risk areas. It means for German vacationers who want to enjoy Easter in Istria the first warm sun rays of the year: On their return to Germany, both quarantine and digital entry registration are waived, provided they choose their own car and not the plane as a means of transport.

Federal Ministry of Health: only applies to air travel

Because the Federal Ministry of Health, which is responsible for the regulation, will not issue the new regulation until Friday, 26. 3.2021 against 16.00 h published, has the SeaHelp editorship already once in advance the confirmation of the press office of the Federal Ministry of Health caught up, from which it results that the regulation refers exclusively to air travel, not however to self journey with passenger car.

Here already once the most important questions and answers, which the Ministry of Health transmitted:

For whom does the new testing obligation apply? Does the new testing requirement only apply to returnees from Mallorca?

All entrants who wish to enter the Federal Republic of Germany by air from March 30, 0 o’clock, must undergo mandatory testing before departure. Crews are not affected by this obligation.

Where and by whom are the tests performed? What do I do if I can not get a test abroad?

The testing is carried out at the approved bodies abroad. If it is not possible for the persons to be transported to obtain proof of testing, carriers may carry out or arrange for testing in accordance with the requirements before departure and, in the event of a negative test, provide transportation.

When exactly do you have to be tested?

The test result must be available before departure in order to present it to the carrier. In principle, the smear test on which the test is based must have been taken no more than 48 hours before entry.

Who pays for the tests?

The air travelers bear the cost of the tests themselves in principle.

Can I be forced to get tested?

No, but carriage by air carriers is permitted only upon presentation of a negative test result.

What if the test is positive? Can I then not back to Germany?

A transport by the carriers is only allowed with negative test evidence. Isolation according to local regulations is to be carried out at your own responsibility.

Who pays for quarantine in the vacation country?

The infection protection regulations are based on the legislation of the state in which the person is abroad. As a rule, the traveler bears the costs incurred for this himself.

Does the testing requirement apply only to air travelers or also for travel by car?

Only for air travelers. For travelers from risk areas are also affected entries with other modes of transport.

How will the testing requirement be controlled?

Also with the new general test obligation in air travel, the carriers control the presence of a test proof. In addition, the competent authority under the Infection Protection Act (usually: Health Department) and the authority entrusted with the border police task performance (usually: Federal Police) may also request the presentation of a test proof.

How is the test requirement enforced?

Carriage to the Federal Republic of Germany is to be omitted if the persons to be transported have not presented proof of testing during the inspection; this also applies if the data provided is obviously incorrect. A violation of these obligations is subject to a fine for the carriers.

Who registers the test results?

The reporting obligation of the Infection Protection Act for test results applies to the persons and bodies named in § 8 IfSG in Germany.

Is the new regulation time-limited?

The new testing requirement applies for the time being up to and including May 12, 2021.

Enter Croatia: Only with PCR test and EnterCroatia

So that there are no misunderstandings: This regulation applies to the return journey, not to the way to Istria/Croatia. Here, a negative PCR test and registration at EnterCroatia is still required.

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