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Fair review: Boat Tulln 2019

Boat Tulln 2019 Fair review
Austrian nautical fair Tulln 2019 is a thing of the past, but at the same time, the countdown for a new nautical season starts.

SeaHelp, situated in Hall 6, couldn’t complain on the visitor interest: the staff were very busy and visitors were sweating over the answers to the puzzle. The last day of the fair counted more that 500 participants of which over 200 came to the ‘right place’. How important is the fair in the Vienna perifery for an average adriatic skipper is obvious from the facts: nine days of fair in Dusseldorf, over more than 300 participants in the SeaHelp puzzle and over 500 visitors who had the chance to win the main price, eBike Varaneo Dinky, 1.900 euro worth (RRP).

The eBike with the built-in windshield stayed in Austria, Styria. Long-standing SeaHelp member showed excellent knowledge on the ‘maritime living room of Austria’ – Adriatic, and perfectly answered all the questions. SeaHelp CEO Wolfgang Dauser handed over the main prize, comfortable and attractive, environmentally acceptable, electric bike, with which the happy winner will enjoy wonderful touring across wonderful Styria and Croatia.

For the ones that missed the grand prize: In the SeaHelp base in Punat, there is one more Dinky S available for trial driving and is used as an environmentally accepted form of transport. However, it is recommended to announce the wish for a trial tour, to timely charge the batteries.

In the end, it was also clarified who knows about Croatia more, Germans or Austrians. If you take answers from the Boot Dusseldorf fair and the austrian Boat Show Tulln into consideration, the contest ended peacefully. Considering attendance, the nautic fair in Tulln had an advantage when it came to determining the locations based on videos of the Adriatic area.

An Olive Marina representative also participated in the SeaHelp stand. Lots of visitors enjoyed personal contact with the representative of one of the „most beautiful marinas in Croatia“ and some even reserved a permament berth out of enthusiasm. Joining the Marina, the visitors also got a membership in SeaHelp. Marina manager Toni Antisin said: „We want to offer our guests maximum safety and comfort, not just in the Marina, but also on their travels; that includes a fast reaction in a case of an emergency, provided by our partner SeaHelp!“.

This way, SeaHelp wants to thank for the numerous visits to the stand on the fair in Tulln and wants their friends and members to have a nice start of the upcoming season. One more advice: upcoming excursions across the Adriatic can be easily planned with the drone footage video guides.

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