The heeling of a sailboat or yacht, i.e. the inclination to the side, is normal within certain limits, depending on the type and nature of the boat. Nevertheless, excessive rotation of the watercraft around its longitudinal axis can cause discomfort to the crew. SeaHelp offers tips on how to reduce the rolling motion that causes the vessel to heel to...
Read moreLust for a special vacation away from the many tourists on Mallorca, Gran Canaria and Co? For those who decide at short notice, SeaHelp names seven somewhat quieter destinations not far from the most popular vacation islands in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal and Malta. The suitable boat insurance gives it of the SeaHelp Insurance inexpensive in addition. Who it is...
Read moreWhat is it about the letters As, Buky, Wede, Glagoli, Dobro and Jest`? Well they have one thing in common: they are part of the so-called Glagionic script alphabet of Cyril of Salonika from the 9th century. Croatia vacationers can follow the oldest Slavic script for example on the Glagolitic Path in Baška on Krk or on the Glagolitic Alley...
Read moreSummer, sun, sunshine - the warm season finally has Europe firmly in its grip, and people are drawn to the water. Whether on the lake, on a canal or in the middle of the sea - with good light and blue skies, summer is the ideal time of year for a photo shoot. But watch out: Even when the weather...
Read moreSeawater that seems to luminesce blue to green, that sounds almost like a sequence from the science fiction thriller "The Swarm" by Frank Schätzing. Although scientists now seem to agree on what triggers the light in the sea, the exact framework conditions for the occurrence of this phenomenon (sea light) are still not completely clarified.. Who has experienced the sea...
Read more"Just as you can't understand the Palio in Siena if you only follow the one and a half minutes of the race around Piazza del Campo, you can't feel the Barcolana in Trieste if you only follow the regatta on the 2nd weekend of October," says Luigi Coretti, sales manager of Darsena San Marco in Grado, looking at the Barcolana....
Read more1,154 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 167 countries around the world bring the history of mankind and the planet to life. Nine of them are located in Croatia. SeaHelp introduces them. World Heritage Sites are testimonies of past cultures, material traces of encounters and exchanges, artistic masterpieces and unique natural landscapes. What they have in common is their extraordinary universal...
Read moreThey are beautiful to look at, cover a total of many hundreds of kilometers, some of them are very old - and they are worth protecting: Gromačas, stone walls built by hand in painstaking dry construction in Croatia. But what is it about these picturesque structures, who built them and for what reason? SeaHelp went after this question. In addition...
Read moreWho drives along for the first time as a guest on a yacht, whether because you are invited to spontaneously spend a day together at sea or as part of a crew that has chartered a yacht, should know at least a few words from the sailing language, so that the trip succeeds and is fun. Tips from the SeaHelp...
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