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Sea emergency signaling equipment (Part 2): Acquisition and handling of 4-gauge signal pistols on board

When sailing on water, danger to the vehicle and crew cannot always be ruled out. With distress signaling devices, it is possible to alert others to your own distress. Sea distress signaling devices also include so-called caliber 4 weapons, or colloquially: signal pistols. SeaHelp lists the requirements for purchasing them and explains how to use them correctly.

It is part of every skipper’s general duty of care to familiarize himself with the various distress signaling devices, to select the appropriate aids for his sailing area and to carry them on board. Pyrotechnic signaling devices should therefore be part of the standard equipment.

In addition to pyrotechnic distress signaling devices, signal pistols in caliber 4 are particularly popular among water sports enthusiasts as an alternative to hand signals.

At least in Germany, a firearms license is required for the signal pistol; the same conditions apply for its acquisition as for a “normal” firearm.

Skippers who wish to purchase a signal pistol caliber 4 must comply with the legal regulations. This is because, like other firearms, the 4-gauge signal pistol is subject to the Weapons Act. The signal pistol is therefore subject to a gun ownership card requirement, meaning that the same conditions apply to the purchase as for a “normal” firearm. At least that is the case under German law. In Austria, by contrast, signal pistols are not considered weapons under the Weapons Act.

In concrete terms, this means that the applicant must (in Germany):

  1. At least 18 years old,
  2. must be reliable, knowledgeable and personally suitable,</li
  3. If they have not yet reached the age of 25, an official or specialist medical or psychological certificate must be presented
  4. And, above all, there must be a “need” for the purchase
  5. .

The need to purchase a signal pistol can be established for recreational skippers, for example, by stating the intended use and submitting the relevant documents proving ownership of a “seagoing watercraft” (e.g. purchase contract; actually meaning: a purchase contract). purchase contract; what is actually meant is: ownership of a yacht), writes Helmut Kalbfleisch, Head of Training at WISAG Sicherheit & Service, in “Die Waffensachkundeprüfung“.

The need to own a signal pistol is no longer given if the ship owner gives up his property. He must report this to the weapons authority immediately (i.e. without culpable delay). The same applies to the loss of the signal pistol.

For the purchase of pyrotechnic ammunition subject to authorization, a gun ownership card with the corresponding ammunition authorization is required

There are also mandatory regulations for the purchase of pyrotechnic ammunition requiring a permit: a firearms possession card with the corresponding ammunition authorization or an ammunition purchase certificate is required.

And: as with any other firearm requiring a permit, the acquisition of a signal pistol must also be reported to the weapons authority (stating the name and address of the transferor) within two weeks of purchase. The gun ownership card must be presented to register the purchase.

The handling of a signal pistol is simple if certain things are observed. The gun is opened with the muzzle pointing downwards, a cartridge is inserted, the gun is closed and then cocked above eye level with the barrel pointing upwards and fired.

How to handle misfires should also be mastered

Important: When shooting, make sure that the field of fire is clear, for example, there must be no sails, masts or other structures in the area of the bullet path. The wind direction and firing angle must also be observed. The shooter must ensure that no persons (or themselves) are endangered and that there are no flammable objects in the danger zone.

Every user of a signal pistol should also know how to deal with misfires. “These should be thrown overboard,” recommends weapons expert Kalbfleisch. It is worth knowing that the pyrotechnic signal sets will continue to burn even in water. In the event of ammunition failures in the signal pistol, the pistol should “always be left in the firing direction, cocked again and the trigger pulled again”.

If the gun fails to fire again, it must be opened outwards at the earliest after one minute (!) and the misfired ammunition can be disposed of in the water.

Information on the new firearms legislation can be found in the following information sheets, which can be downloaded from the Internet:

  • Information sheet – Distress signal pistols – General requirements for the granting of permits
  • Weapons and ammunition permit
  • Reliability and personal suitability under firearms law
  • Application for the issue of a firearms acquisition authorization (pre-entry)
  • Application for the issue of a weapons possession card
  • Safe storage of weapons and ammunition
  • Proof of the measures taken for the safe storage of firearms and ammunition subject to authorization

Further information:

For further questions, it is best to contact the local regulatory authority (weapons authority) or the water police. The (German) Dienstgruppe Sportschifffahrt also offers regular lectures on the subject of distress signal weapons and pyrotechnic distress signaling devices as part of its skipper safety tips. Info: Tel. +49 421362 9833 / +49 421362 14897.

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