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No waiting time for the port captain through SeaHelp service: SeaHelp applies for Permit for the owner – Upgrade to “Smart Pass” saves costs

Schild Hafenamt Krk Kroatien Verlängerung Permit Vignette
SeaHelp übernimmt die Verlängerung/Neubeantragung des Permit (Vignette) beim zuständigen Hafenkapitän.
After the entry to Croatia is possible again for yacht owners, the more than understandable wish to put the yacht back into operation as soon as possible increases. However, the last hurdle, namely the extension of the permit (vignette)), still has to be overcome. SeaHelp is now offering help in this area and is taking care of the extension or re-registration of the permit for its members, since we expect long waiting times for port captains in the future due to the strong demand. Those who upgrade their "Standard Pass" to the "Smart Pass" for example, can even save money and receive a higher service package.

SeaHelp extends permit for the owner

Practitioners know the problem from the last years: Because the Croatian online system has not yet been activated for owners from Austria, Germany or Switzerland, owners still have to go to the port captain in person to pay the permit fee (vignette fee). In most cases, this will be quite time-consuming, as we expect a high number of visitors from the port captains at the beginning of the water sports season.

Keep your distance and spare your nerves: Online boat registration

On the other hand, even in times of the abating Covid 19 pandemic and the associated observance of the rules of distance, it seems anything but timely for large crowds of people to gather in front of the small offices of the harbour masters. For this reason SeaHelp offers to extend the vignette or to have a new application made through a cooperation partner at special conditions.

Upgrade to “Smart Pass” pays off

Port Authority Krk Croatia Extension Permit Vignette
The offices of the respective port captains are not designed to cope with the expected onslaught, especially in compliance with the clearance rules during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The offices of the respective port captains are not designed to cope with the expected onslaught, especially in compliance with the clearance rules during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anyone who wants to avoid waiting times with the port captain and thus avoid unnecessary contacts in the sense of “social distancing” can apply for the appropriate extension via SeaHelp.

Here are the costs involved:

Vignetten extension:
No membership: € 89,-
Standard Pass holders members € 55,-
Smart Pass holder members: € 10,-
Premium Pass holder: € 10,-

New vignette or changes:
No membership: € 99,-
Standard Pass holder: € 65,–
Smart Pass holder € 25,-
Premium Pass holder € 25,-

SeaHelp members who still have the Standard Pass are advised to upgrade to the Smart Pass, which already includes SeaHelp’s permit renewal services, for cost reasons.

SeaHelp cooperation partner takes over permit extension

Holders of the “Smart Pass” and the “Premium Pass” can look forward to the “Corona discount”: this year, they will only have to pay the processing fee of ten euros, which is charged by the cooperation partner Mandinus d.o.o., when the vignette or permit is extended. And of course the permit fee itself, which the owner has to pay to the state of Croatia.

Zur Bootsanmeldung für Permit / Vignette KroatienTo the boat registration for Permit / Vignette CroatiaHere, members who are still in possession of the “Standard Pass” can extend the vignette or apply for a new one or upgrade their membership with one click. It is simple and self-explanatory. The special offer ends on 30 June 2020.

SeaHelp corona discount on new permit service:

Everyone must do their part to reduce infection rates

The name SeaHelp stands for safety – on water and on land. The small port authorities in Croatia are well known for the large number of applicants who, after the delayed start to the season, want to pay their permit fees without violating the distance rules. Therefore we apply for the permit fee for our members via a cooperation partner, so that you do not have to expose yourself to unnecessary health risks in Croatia. Most of the costs can be saved again by upgrading your membership.

This service is initially scheduled until 30.6.2020 and is additionally supported financially by SeaHelp through our cooperation partner because the health of our members is close to our hearts.

If possible, we recommend an upgrade from the “Standard Pass” to the “Smart Pass”. In return, you will receive a significant plus in benefits and save € 5,- independently of the cost of the “Smart Pass”.

Attention: A maximum of six to eight working days can pass between the time of application and the sending of the vignette, depending on the bank’s term. We therefore ask you to apply in good time.

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