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Coronavirus infection in Croatia at an all-time high: Six reasons why vacations in Croatia will be safe even in 2022.

Corona: Current incidence for Croatia, Italy, Slovenia
Even if the Corona map now presents itself in bright red, the experience of the past years shows that the infection activity dies down towards the summer in.

Coronavirus also has Croatia fully in its grip – with a high 7-day incidence beyond the 800 mark, officials are reporting new highs in new infections in Croatia almost daily since the pandemic began. Even Istria, long considered a refuge of low incidence levels, has turned red on the Coronavirus: Current incidence for Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Unfortunately for yacht owners, charter guests and other vacationers, this development comes at a time when people are already planning their vacations for 2022. The SeaHelp editorial team has been monitoring the situation with its articles since the beginning of the corona virus pandemic in Croatia, preparing its own data sets in tabular form on a daily basis, and has come to one conclusion: Croatia vacations in 2022 can be planned, as the corona statistics teach.

The reasons for this are obvious on closer inspection:.

1. Cyclical increase in new Corona infections in winter “normal”

If one considers the incidence development of the past years, one must note that every year in the winter months the incidence values increase drastically almost throughout Europe, only to drop again significantly in the spring. There is no need for scientific justification for this development; normal human or common sense tells you that infection tends to occur indoors rather than outdoors.

2. Drastic increase in vaccination rate in Croatia from now on!

The high incidence levels in Croatia have so far been accompanied by an extremely low vaccination rate in the country, where not even every second Croatian has picked up the protective vaccine dose. From November 15, 2021, the Croatian government plans to introduce “2 Gs”, i.e. access only for vaccinated or recovered persons in wide areas of public life, which has led to a rethink among the Croatian population: The Croatian vaccination centers are experiencing an unprecedented rush of people wanting to be vaccinated, and these days more than 100 new vaccination centers are being set up in Croatia. Thus, already in the foreseeable future, the situation in Croatia with regard to new coronavirus infections should change significantly for the better.

3. Stronger corona immunization in coastal regions!

Vacationers, boat owners and charter guests planning a vacation in Croatia are predominantly vaccinated and spend their stay in the coastal regions in a so-called “bubble” of the then also vaccinated local people, so that here the risk of infection with the coronavirus should be rather low.

4. Europe-wide the numbers are increasing – not only in Croatia!

5. Croatia should not be viewed in isolation from other nations

If incidence rates are rising throughout Europe, it is normal for this trend to continue in a country like Croatia. By the way, in Belgium the 7-day incidence is currently 682, in Austria it is about 600, and in the Czech Republic it is 560.

6. The form of vacation also determines one’s own safety!

Even if incidence levels are rising sharply again at the moment, vacationers would slowly have to learn to live with the coronavirus. Italy has led the way: “2 G”, so vaccinated or recovered in the workplace, otherwise there are severe penalties. The incidence values in Italy on Nov. 10 are 67.2, in Croatia 862.9 and in Slovenia 1060.2. This needs no further comment….


Coronavirus: Current Incidence for Croatia, Italy, Slovenia

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