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Numbers don’t lie: Croatia with lower COVID-19 risk than Germany and Austria

COVID-19 pandemic: Yacht owners relocate yachts to Croatia
Yacht owners from France, Italy, Spain and even the Caribbean are planning to move their yachts to Croatia because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meanwhile completed ACI-Marina Rovinj - here still in the construction phase - is particularly suitable for mega yachts.

If you take a closer look at the official statistics of the „European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control“ (Agency of the European Union, editor’s note), Croatia is literally a safe haven for yacht owners, charter guests and holidaymakers. This is all the more true if they come from Germany or Austria, as the official EU statistics, to which the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) also refers, clearly show.

Interpret figures with common sense

When in politics and the social media, common sense, or as it is called in Germany, common sense, is mentioned again and again in the context of self-protection, hardly anyone takes the trouble to take a closer look and consult official statistics authorized by the EU. Anyone who interprets these fact-based figures comes to a more than surprising conclusion, especially for all those who rant in the media about the opening of borders.

Croatia is the safest

According to official EU figures, i.e. reported cases per 100,000 inhabitants of a country, only 54.9 people in Croatia were infected with COVID-19, 72.3 people in Slovenia and 190.1 people in Austria were infected with the SARS CoV-2 virus. In Germany, 221.9 citizens per 100,000 inhabitants fell ill with the virus, in Italy 388.5 persons.

If one looks at the more than unpleasant part of these statistics, namely the deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, this also speaks clearly for Croatia with only 2.5 deceased persons. Italy has 56 relative deaths, Germany 10.5, Austria 7.6 and Slovenia 5.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

Reported cases and deaths per 100.000 inhabitants of a country.
Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
© Sea-Help GmbH

Only 17 people still infected in Croatia

Even if one looks at the current infection figures, Croatia occupies a leading position in Europe: Like the Croatian channel HRT reported on 7 June 2020, officially only “17 people in Croatia are still infected with the coronavirus. They are under medical treatment, 10 of them at home, the rest in hospital. Two people are on respirators.”

Quarantine after returning from Croatia nonsensical

Against this background, the normally thinking citizen wonders why border openings have been implemented from Austria to neighbouring countries, including Germany, but not to Croatia, which has much better figures than Germany, Austria or Slovenia. Domestic quarantine after returning from Croatia seems absurd in view of these figures. It remains to be hoped that the “common sense” repeatedly invoked by Austria’s politicians with regard to hygiene and distance rules will finally be put into practice with regard to freedom of travel.

Megayachts in Croatian marinas

For some skippers, who are not impressed by the political games, this “common sense” has already got the upper hand. Owners of mega yachts currently based in the ports of France, Spain, Italy and even the Caribbean have already asked for berths in ACI marinas, as Kristijan Pavić, chairman of the board of ACI d.d. reported. In addition, Pavić stated that the marina in Rovinj is one of those with whom talks are being held to accommodate some of these boats, as the marina is made for exactly this type of customers. Many guests have also started their charter trips.

Statistically proven: Croatia safe haven

The fact is: Official statistics also speak in favour of Croatia as a safe haven for holidaymakers despite COVID-19, or rather precisely because of COVID-19, because Croatia has got the pandemic under control better than all the countries bordering the northern Adriatic and also offers its guests holiday conditions that could hardly be better in Europe under the aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS CoV-2. Numbers do not lie!

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