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For Germans and Austrians: Without Corona test to Croatia.

Entry Croatia without Coronatest from Germany and Austria
The ECDC card proves: Those entering Croatia from the green areas, i.e. Germany (excluding Baden-WĂĽrttemberg and Saarland) and Austria, do not need a Coronatest to enter Croatia! Photo: Screenshot ECDC card

You could almost say: Finally! From now on, i.e. from 17.6.2021, entry to Croatia from the green zones of the ECDC card can be done without previous testing for the coronavirus. All Austrians and also all Germans entering Croatia do not need a test (antigen or PCR) upon entry as of now.

Only exception: vacationers from the German states of Baden-WĂĽrttemberg and Saarland must still submit a test when entering Croatia.

Press release of the Croatian National Tourist Board

A press release issued by the Croatian National Tourist Board on 18.6.2021 states:

Almost all states in Germany are since yesterday, 17.06.2021 on the so-called green list of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) recorded. German holidaymakers – at the moment still with the exception of holidaymakers from Baden-Württemberg and Saarland – can therefore now enter Croatia without any restrictions. You do not have to show any tests and do not have to enter quarantine, if you travel by direct route, without staying in other countries or regions and they show no signs of disease and have not had close contact with a sick person.

EnterCroatia still fill

Travelers must prove at the border crossing that they are coming from a green zone and have not been in transit areas. It is also recommended that the free Online Form EnterCroatia be completed prior to arrival to facilitate border crossing upon entry.

For vacationers from Baden-WĂĽrttemberg and Saarland, the current entry requirements.

All information on how to travel safely and responsibly to and within Croatia is regularly updated by the Croatian National Tourist Board on the Q&A website.

No mandatory testing for Germans returning by land

Since Croatia – with the exception of the counties of Medimurje and Varazdin, which are considered simple risk areas – is no longer on the risk list of the Robert Koch Institute RKI, there is no longer any self-isolation or testing obligation for German travelers returning home. All passengers who enter Germany by air from Croatia, must continue to show a negative test (PCR test or antigen rapid test) at boarding..

Then it’s time to pack your bags and off to Croatia. In the new press kit you will find a lot of interesting information about Croatia’s regions, its natural parks and traditions, and of course culinary highlights of the destination on the beautiful Adriatic coast.

Problems and solutions at EnterCroatia

However, the whole thing still has a catch: on the EnterCroatia page, you are prompted to upload a test. If one does not have that after the latest developments, because it is simply no longer needed, it does not come in many cases to the completion of the travel application for entry to Croatia. However, this is not a reason to postpone the trip, because if you are asked to do so at the border when entering Croatia, you can still fill out the form by hand at the border without any legal consequences. However, it is assumed that controls in this regard will no longer take place.

Danger of congestion on entry increases

SeaHelp points out against this background again: With the start of the vacation season in Germany and later also in Austria, experience shows that waiting times at the borders can be expected again. How to avoid traffic jams and which alternative routes are recommended, we will list in a separate article.

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