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Homecoming of the Croatian World Cup Heroes: World champions of hearts land in Zadar

They came as outsiders and went as a champions of the hearts: Despite the 2 : 2 defeat against France the Croatian national football team collected as many sympathy points as the Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović with their charm offensive in the Moscow rain during the award ceremony.

Even after their return, the enthusiasm continues: thousands of football-loving Croats gave Luka Modrić and his team-mates Šime Vrsaljko, Danijel Subašić and Dominik Livaković a fitting welcome on land and on the water. The applause for the heroes of Moscow culminated in “suba-suba” calls, as Danijel Subašić jumped from aboard the sailing ship Branimir into the water.

Heimkehr der kroatischen WM-HeldenBut before that, Ante Lipovac, a crew member of the SeaHelp task force Zadar, took the opportunity to give his idol Luka Modrić fortifying sweets from his homeland. As a precaution, SeaHelp was already on site to intervene quickly if one of the many boats that escorted the Branimir had a breakdown.

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