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SeaHelp informs: Current traffic jams at the border crossings

Vacation time is travel time and one who enters or leaves from Croatia should adjust to longer traffic jams at the borders. In particular the Croatian-Slovenian border is one of the key points since Croatia is a EU member but not yet to the Schengen area.

Due to the political situation, however, waiting times may also occur at re-entry to Austria or to Germany at the borders. SeaHelp, the nautical breakdown service of the Adriatic region, has put together the most important links for vacationers on the way to the south which can be used to query the current traffic data.

The Croatian Automobile Club HAK offers a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the situation when entering and leaving Croatia: Link .

On the Asfinag homepage motorists can use this link to check the waiting times and traffic jams in Austria: Link .

Reliable traffic information for Slovenia can be found at: Link .

Travelers from Hungary can check the situation at the border crossing at: Link .

For skippers who are traveling to Croatia, whether on the way to a marina to their own yacht or with the trailer boat, there is only one home page on which all important information is published at any time: . Of course, the nautical breakdown service also offers its app App (iOS und Android) , which can be used to get fast, uncomplicated help in an emergency on the water. In addition, users will receive weather warnings in the event of a sudden change in weather and valuable district information, as well as the option of becoming a SeaHelp member.

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