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GasCheck is also also possible in 2019: It is expected that the mandatory regulation G108 will be made in Autumn 2019

SeaHelp GasCheck
Testing of UNP installation on board would be mandatory for Austrian owners already in the fall of 2019
SeaHelp GasCheck will continue. Owners whose vessels are situated in Croatia, Slovenia ili north Italy still want to inspect their built-in gas installation in accordance with strict rules G608. These technical rules which apply “for operation and testing of liquefied gas plants on small vessels” in Germany, will be introduced in Austria, too, said Friedrich Ofner, director of Austran Liquified Gas Association (ÖVFG) on SeaHelp’s inquiry.

“Since we are following German regulations, it should’t be a big deal”, said Ofner. SeaHelp has identified the need for the appropriate gas installation testing conducted by official personel.

After just one year, the security service found significants disadvantages on multiple vessels in the adriatic region based on existing reports. Wolfgang Dauser, who launched GasCheck, said: „Tests have helped make a lot of things easier on yachts which are examined in the regions serviced by SeaHelp. When I look into the available footage and in what state were gas installations partially – in some cases it almost reflects a miracle that something bad didn’t happen yet“. Especifficaly, in harbours, unsatisfactory conditions can be found behind gas boxes and panels.

However, GasCheck, as a SeaHelp security measure which is short and concise, obviously didn’t interes all skippers. That should, however, change with the G108 which will be adopted the upcoming Autumn, analog to the German G608. Just for that reason alone, SeaHelp advises you, to find a certified person to do the check on time.

For SeaHelp members, Leo Hugl, as a SeaHelp Benefit Partner, will coordinate the gas revision in the the future, by the discount price of 45 EUR per test and vessel. Since arrival and proportionally ETA have to be charged, it would be preferable that a few members of SeaHelp in the same area connect to save up money. Even better: you can be put on a list and be notified about testing in the region concerned.

Leo Hugl, who already has a certificate „Expertise by G608“ in some countries, can be reliably contacted via e-mail on For the first contact, it is recommendable to send an e-mail, because he does all of the tests alone and it is understandable that he isn’t always available throughout the whole day.

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