SeaHelp invested into ten new Yamaha engines this winter. For example, the Istrian base already got two new 150 KS motors, Tribunj and Šoltra got two new 175 KS motors and Mali Lošinj will soon be using strong Yamaha 300 KS engines. Marko Orlic, who’s watching over the strong SeaHelp Adria fleet, said: „The cooperation with Yamaha is outstanding, especially in the service field.“ Yamaha representative is always on hand to secure competent solutions.
On SeaHelp intervention vessels, engines are changed after 1.300 – 1.500 working hours, depending on the working time. Excellent maintenance secures that the intervention vessels arrive at the place of event quickly and on time when our members need help.
Even as the season hasn’t started yet, some of our clients already had to reach out for SeaHelp’s assistance. Marko Orlic says: „One skipper needed help regarding big engine problems, and an another one damaged his rudder after the strong winds (Bura) in March.“