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New SeaHelp benefit partner: Save ten euros per working hour and save up to 20% on parts

New benefit partner: Save ten euros per working hour and save up to 20% on parts
According to the surveys of the German Boat and Shipbuilders Association e.V., 54.9% of its affiliated companies plan to raise prices for 2019 in order to adapt them to the economic conditions. Against this background, it seems advisable to take a closer look at the offer of the new SeaHelp advantage partner “Bootsmänner”, as the Lübeck-based company offers SeaHelp members a discount of up to 20% on used parts and ten euros for working hours.

The “boatmen” is the name of the program: They carry out all service and repair work around the boat and also deliver spare parts quickly and punctually to where they are needed. Even abroad. The background: Those who urgently need a spare part abroad, depending on the ordering routine of the manufacturers, which in many cases takes up unnecessarily more time, because of the administrative hurdles. According to reports from business circles, the “boatmen” personally take care of the request and take care of the fastest possible delivery.

But even if repairs or service work are pending within Germany, it pays off to ask for a comparison offer from the “boatmen” in order to save costs. The maritime Allrounder can be reached by calling +49 172 527 8179 or by e-mail at

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