A SeaHelp membership offers comprehensive all-around protection for almost any problem that can befall a skipper and his crew. After the prices for a SeaHelp membership (standard, smart, premium and charter pass) could be kept stable over the last three years, they now have to be moderately adjusted at the turn of the year.
“The last price adjustment was made at the turn of the year 2019/2020,” says SeaHelp Managing Director Wolfgang Dauser. The increase in prices for a membership with SeaHelp to 1.1.2023 amounted to an average of 10.6 percent; if one bases the inflation in Austria in the period from January 2020 to today at the rate of 15 percent, one comes to the conclusion that the price increase is “extremely moderate”.
After prices had been kept stable over the past three years, they now have to be adjusted moderately at the turn of the year.
Concretely, the prices for a SeaHelp membership will be adjusted at the turn of the year 2022/2023 as follows:
“The cost of the CharterPass (14 days) has also been adjusted somewhat, from 95 euros (old) by four euros to (new) 99 euros”, says Wolfgang Dauser; unchanged, however, the previous price for the additional cost surcharge for Spain in the amount of 119 euros.
In general, it was decided to make the price adjustments only every three years for administrative and marketing reasons, so, for example, advertising materials such as flyers and banners could be used longer and thus protect the environment.
Be quick is worthwhile, because until 31.12.2022 the (more favorable) old prices still apply.
Who considers up-to-date whether he would like to be able to use in the “case of the cases” – secured by a practical SeaHelp membership – towing assistance, starting assistance, fuel service, spare part supply, free towing with light grounding, freeing of lines in the propeller, person transport, weather and district consultation up to telephone support in medical emergencies the nautical breakdown service 24 hours on the day, 365 days in the year, should act fast.
Who decides until 31.12.2022 still for a membership with SeaHelp, saves cash (about 10 percent, see above), because until this time the previous prices are still valid.