SeaHelp News

New addition to the SeaHelp app: 360 degree photos and drone videos for better cruise planning.

SeaHelp emergency call app: new features, now with 360 degree photos and drone videos

Download and use the SeaHelp service on your cell phone or tablet – that’s already been true for users of the handy SeaHelp app, which you can easily download from the popular stores (Apple App Store, Google Play Store) for free.

New under the menu item “Infomap“: videos and panoramic photos

In addition to the man and material saving SOS function, the latest news and messages about yachts and areas, a GPS / compass, a gas station map, weather and tide applications, as well as information on the right yacht insurance, there are now also appealing 360-degree photos and short drone videos on ports and bays under the menu item “Info Map”.

Functions simply and reliably – for iOS and Android devices

Here’s how it works: In the menu of the SeaHelp app, which is available for iOS and Android devices, open the item “Info card” in the lower left corner. Under “User data” should be clicked ADRIA. On the map then select the place you want to look at. Attention: at the top far right of the toolbar, the drone icon must be activated! Drone icons on the map section mark available drone videos; the number 360 indicates that there is a 360 degree photo here. Select icon, click – and the shot will be displayed.

By the way: with the icon cell phone with arrow/circle in the upper right corner of the menu, the user can choose whether he wants to rotate his cell phone to be able to look at the whole picture, or whether he just wants to “swipe” on the display with his finger.



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Look in the app first – then decide if the water walk is worth it

“With this additional function, we are adding another practical feature to our proven app for water sports enthusiasts,” says Wolfgang Dauser, CEO of SeaHelp GmbH. Using the drone videos and the 360-degree panoramic images, he says, it’s child’s play for anyone to take a look at new harbors and bays in advance, and then decide whether it’s worth visiting with their own boat or yacht.

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