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SeaHelp Youtube-channel:mMore than half a million views

SeaHelp Youtube Channel
More than half a million views
Days are getting shorter now, sunbeams are losing their force slowly but steadily, in short, the summer of 2019 is over. Most skippers have already returned to their home ports and start thinking about the upcoming preparations for wintering. A time, nevertheless, to review the memories of the past summer or share it with friends and family. And what could be more suitable for this than the SeaHelp area guide? Videos with countless aerial photographs of the hotspots around the Croatian coast in prime HD quality, taken by the DJI Mavic 2 pro drone and the DJI Phantom 4, render it possible for the viewer to indulge again in sweet memories during one quiet moment or another.

Bei it bath bays, buoy fields, marinas, restaurants or picturesque seaside towns – everything looks quite different from the bird’s eye view. More than half a million viewers already had the pleasure of this experience. Our recommendation: The SeaHelp YouTube channel is constantly being updated. So, in order to never miss a new video, you should click on the grey box on the top right saying ”subscribed by …‟. This way, you will always be informed when a new video has been added.

And another piece of advice: Many households and many ships nowadays dispose of the so-called streaming sticks as, e.g., the Amazon Fire Stick, the Google Chromecast or Apple TV. These sticks enable you to comfortably stream download content from the Internet to your domestic TV. And this, of course, works as well excellently with the SeaHelp YouTube channel. Just have a try, the procedure is self-explanatory, the result is stunning.


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