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Good news for Croatia vacationers: Coronavirus incidence values dropped dramatically

Croatia: Coronavirus, falling incidence figures
This year will also be a successful water sports season despite Corona. Charter companies report significant increases in bookings.

Good news for Croatia vacationers, boat owners and real estate owners in Croats: The 14-day incidence in Croatia decreased strongly in the last days, new infections with the coronavirus are (related to each 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days) meanwhile almost on the level of Germany, Austria and Italy. Only the transit country Slovenia still has quite high incidence figures, with 1171.89 new coronavirus infections per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the official site of the EU as of January 17, 2021.

Coronavirus incidence of Croatia at EU level

With a 14-day incidence of 367.42, Croatia achieved the highest decline in incidence figures across Europe after Christmas 2020 and is roughly on par with Germany (324.25), Austria (319.69), and Italy (379.05). To recall, the values indicate the new infections with the SARS-CoV 2 coronavirus within 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants. They are considered throughout Europe as a measure of the infection situation in the corresponding country to which the calculation refers and serve as an important source of information for national authorities for country-specific travel warnings.

County incidences desirable

But while most other countries also communicate the incidence figures of their individual regions, in Croatia this would be analogously the counties, one looks for these values in vain on the websites of the Croatian authorities. SeaHelp has in different inquiries, among other things with the Croatian center for tourism, suggested to list these numbers again decidedly, since Austria and Germany in the past also expressed so-called partial travel warnings. Thus, travel warnings were issued as a result of high incidence figures throughout the country, but certain regions with significantly lower incidence figures were excluded.

Coronavirus incidence significantly lower on the coast

Also now would be the time to think about publishing again clearly delineated corona numbers, because in the coastal regions, with the exception of Split County, new coronavirus infections were significantly lower than the national average.

Detailed incidence figures desirable

This is especially true for the region of Istria, which is particularly popular with tourists and has managed to contain the spread of coronavirus particularly effectively compared to the other Croatian counties. If accurate figures were available here, it would be easy to see that in some regions in Germany and Austria, the countries of origin of most vacationers in Croatia, the incidence figures in their individual counties are significantly higher than in the northernmost tip of Croatia.

Bookings, also in charter, are currently increasing

Positive signals are also sent by the companies involved in the tourism value chain: When asked by SeaHelp editors, agencies on the ground in Croatia reported a significant increase in booking numbers for 2021, especially in the northern parts of the country, i.e. Istria and the Kvarner Bay. The same applies to charter companies operating in Croatia. They are currently experiencing an increased surge in demand, which was announced by the largest players in Croatia when asked. Customer surveys revealed a confident mood in the market, especially among vacationers who prefer to travel by themselves and thus have a higher degree of flexibility should the situation change at short notice. They have confidence in the measures taken by Croatia, the steadily growing number of vaccinated persons and the possibility of ultimately being able to prove through rapid tests that they have not been infected by the virus.

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