Diesel tank cleaning for boats and yachts: The tank cleaning experts from MFT Mikrofiltertechnik are back on “Adria Tour” in the spring. On April 20 to 29, 2022, they will start the round trip in northern Italy and travel via Slovenia and Croatia, respectively Dalmatia, to complete some already firmly booked orders for tank cleaning and tank inspection of yachts. SeaHelp members have the opportunity to join and additionally save 10% of the incurred labor costs of a tank cleaning via the Advantage Partner discount.
Make an appointment directly
Christian Burmester of MFT Mikrofiltertechnik says, “Interested parties should contact us directly so that we can coordinate appointments with you. Most owners attach importance to being present directly on site in the respective marina when the tank is inspected or cleaned. Therefore, if you want to be on the safe side, you should ask us in advance whether a tank inspection or tank cleaning is necessary or possible.
Tank inspection
SeaHelp members can book a tank inspection directly by mail at the SeaHelp advantage price of 135 euros and then receive a 10% discount on the labor of the tank cleaning that may be required. “The prices for the services“, says Christian Burmester, “had to be raised due to the enormous increase in fuel prices.”
Tank cleaning
For tank cleaning, the corresponding costs are charged depending on the ship and the effort, minus the ten percent SeaHelp advantage discount for members. But in this case, you usually save even more: since the cleaning professionals are already on site, the necessary travel costs are reduced not inconsiderably.
Tank hygiene important
SeaHelp has been pointing out the importance of appropriate “tank hygiene” for years. During an inspection of the diesel tanks at Olive Island Marina, initiated by SeaHelp, bacteria could be detected in the tanks of about 80% of the yachts inspected. For safety reasons, many tanks had to be cleaned to avoid the fear of fuel-related engine failures. The results of this first large-scale investigation ultimately led many owners to pay more attention to their fuel in the tank.
Youtube video
In a Youtube video, Christian Burmester explains on the SeaHelp Channel the reasons how diesel pest gets into the boat tank, but also how to effectively protect yourself against the bacteria in the tank. Here you can find out in advance whether the offer of the professional tank cleaners from Geesthacht makes sense for the safety of the yacht or the personal safety on board.
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Upgrade SeaHelp Membership
And on a personal note: Just as season preparation and reviewing boat documents for completeness and validity, as well as the technical condition of the boat or yacht, including the condition of the fuel, includes taking a look at the various SeaHelp membership options to ensure that the services you want are covered during your vacation. In many cases, it’s also a good idea to upgrade to a more comprehensive benefits package at a reasonable price.
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How to get in touch with Christian Burmester, or MFT Microfilter Technology
MFT Mikrofiltertechnik GmbH
Managing Director
Christian Burmester
Am Schleusenkanal 18-22
21502 Geesthacht | Germany
Tel: +49 – (0)4152 / 88 77 33
Fax: +49 – (0)4152 / 88 77 66
Email: christian.Burmester@mikrofiltertechnik.de
Web: www.mikrofiltertechnik.de