SeaHelp News

SeaHelp: Not only the rescue boats, but also the rescue forces made fit

SeaHelp - Preparing for the 2020 watersports season with several days of hands-on training.
At SeaHelp, not only the emergency boats will be made fit for the new 2020 water sports season, but also the employees. In mid-February, the entire breakdown service team met for a week in a hotel in Dalmatia for further training. Much to the regret of the employees, the tightly knit programme left hardly any room for leisure time, but on the other hand, a lot of content could be conveyed to make the deployment even more efficient in the future.

First and foremost, it was all about very tangible things: Among other things, the new SeaHelp membership model was explained to the employees in detail, new developments in the area of boat technology were communicated and changed regulations in the nautical field were addressed.

The emergency services followed with particular interest a lecture on first aid on board, which was given by the employees of SeaHelp’s cooperation partner KIRT Styria and which gave the emergency services the opportunity to lend a hand themselves. Classics such as wound care or professional cardiac pressure massage, for example, need to be practiced over and over again to be able to help in an emergency.

The five-day refresher course on roadside assistance was so well received by all employees that it was decided to hold such a training course before each new water sports season. Not only the emergency services benefit from this, but ultimately also the members.

SeaHelp theoretical training for employees in preparation for the 2020 water sports season
Presentation about first aid on board, from SeaHelp cooperation partner KIRT Steiermark.
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