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New support point: SeaHelp now also on Lake Garda

SeaHelp Base Lake Garda Italy
The new SeaHelp rescue boat on Lake Garda: With 200 HP, SeaHelp members are guaranteed quick help

SeaHelp, the nautical breakdown service, has now established a base on Lake Garda so that SeaHelp safety and SeaHelp service is now also available to owners on the northern Italian “Lago di Garda”. Lake Garda is considered the largest inland lake in Italy. Because of its location, between Germany, Austria and the Italian Adriatic Sea, it is very popular with tourists and day trippers who want to enjoy a few days of Italian ambience. More than 24 million overnight stays were counted by the tourist businesses located around Lake Garda, many visitors bring their own boat or have their yacht stationed in one of the numerous marinas on Lake Garda.

Experienced SeaHelp base manager

The base is operated by Claudio Brighenti, an experienced sailor and instructor, who practically grew up on Lake Garda and knows the inland water with all its peculiarities just as well as his vest pocket. SeaHelp responded to the requests of numerous owners who had heard about the special service of the breakdown service and wanted to become part of the large SeaHelp community with bases in Croatia, Slovenia, Northern Italy, Germany and the Netherlands.

Also SeaHelp-Insurance at Lake Garda

SeaHelp members receive fast, in part free assistance in the event of a breakdown at sea, benefit from discounts from SeaHelp’s benefit partners and can take out affordable boat insurance through SeaHelp Insurance. In contrast to many other boat insurers, SeaHelp-Insurance, with its numerous bases, has personal contacts directly on site and makes every effort to settle any claims as quickly and unbureaucratically as possible.

200-horsepower emergency boat

In order to ensure that rapid assistance is also available on Lake Garda, a seven-metre special boat has been provided for future operations, powered by a 200 HP Honda outboard engine. A winch for salvage operations and all kinds of equipment to help owners of damaged boats are also on board

Base manager experienced sailor

In addition to his job as SeaHelp roadside assistance, Claudio Brighenti is also a sailing instructor and junior coach of the IJSA (International Junior Sailing Academy) and trains the next generation of sailors for future competitions.

Sailing school

As a father of three children, he can, so to speak, project his own experiences with the offspring onto his sailing students. His coaching seemed to have worked well for them so far: leading positions at international championships up to participation in the Olympics pave the way for his students. Whereby he claims to train the young sailors not only for competitions but for life.

Fast help guaranteed

When he’s not training the next generation of sailors or helping SeaHelp members during the summer months, you can find him mostly at the Circolo Nautica Brenzone. His professional qualifications are as impressive as his nautical skills: In 1993 he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in computer science from the “G. Marconi” Institute (Rovereto). Before that he already had the Yachtmaster license for sailing and motor boats level 1 F.I.V. (Italian Sailing Federation) and worked as an instructor. He also holds the international VDWS instructor licence for dinghies and catamarans.

With this, Claudio Brighenti should probably have the best prerequisites to provide competent assistance to SeaHelp members. Information about membership, also for owners at Lake Garda, can be found on the SeaHelp homepage, or directly under this link.

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