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Some news without the Coronavirus: Agrotourism: “At Robert’s” on the heart bay regional delights are awaiting

Island of Krk - Punat - Bay of Hearts - Restaurant Sv. Jurai - By the Robert - Pool
A small pool in the middle of an olive grove
The current so to speak government-imposed deceleration opens up completely new possibilities. Sorting through a wide variety of media, the SeaHelp editorial team noticed that a video of the heart bay or Y bay on the island of Krk Sv. Juraj, known to many skippers, was still slumbering unedited on the hard drive. Here's a glimpse of Croatia's beauty and what the year still has to offer - without the nasty C-word.

4.5 nm away from Punat

The bay is located in the southwest of the island of Krk, about 4.5 nm away from the Marina Punat and only 2 nm west of the town of Krk. It is very popular and in the summer months it is very crowded by day trippers, and then, the anchors are partly already very close. The north-eastern part of the bay is well protected from the bora, but there is a strong swell in the north-western part.
The banks are lined with large bollards, allegedly more than 200 years old, on which ships that travelled from Italy to the island of Krk with roof tiles, were reportedly moored at that time.

Island of Krk - Punat - Heart Bay - Restaurant Sv. Jurai - At the Robert - heart bay
The popular, wind-protected heart bay is quite a good place to drop anchor.

Agrotourism pure “Beim Robert” (At Robert’s)

A restaurant, known in skipper circles under the name “Beim Robert” ( with dishes made from local, regional products is within 30-35 minutes walking distance. (approx. 200 metres in altitude). Supply possibilities exist only 2 nm east of the town of Krk or in a small market at the ferry pier “Valbiska” 1.5 nm northwest.

Terrasse "Beim Robert"
Fantastic view from the terrace of the agrotourism farm “Beim Robert” to the sea.

Regional food and drinks

A visit to the restaurant Sv. Jurai, “Beim Robert”, is definitely worthwhile. The operator Robert: “On request, we would be happy to show you our farm, where we keep our own pigs, chickens and other animals, and how we produce our own bread, olive oil, jam, juice and many other products every day. The products that we do not produce ourselves are mostly from our local producers on the island of Krk, such as cheese, lamb and wine. It could hardly be more regional.

Island of Krk - Punat - Heart Bay - Restaurant Sv. Jurai - At the Robert - appetizer
A refreshment at Robert’s – the appetizer already makes your mouth water.

That makes you yearn for summer, doesn’t it?

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