Who spent its vacation in Croatia in this year, at least in the opinion of the renowned British newspaper The Times & The Sunday Times nothing wrong did. According to the jurors of the traditional English newspaper, Croatia took a remarkable third place in the “Best Country Award 2020”, a ranking of the world’s best tourist destinations in 2020. Only New Zealand (2nd place) and Italy (1st place) came ahead of Croatia.
Award ceremony because of Corona only online
Given the current epidemiological situation throughout Europe, the award ceremony was held virtually. The director of the Croatian National Tourist Board in the United Kingdom, Darija Reić, who also attended the online meeting, said: “With its great tourist offer and its tireless advertising, Croatia undoubtedly deserves the title of one of the best countries. We are very pleased that the British audience has recognized our quality. Visiting Croatian destinations is something the British like to talk about, to the extent that even isolation has not stopped some of them from travelling to us and enjoying our Mediterranean landscape. This success has strengthened Croatia’s position as a destination with beautiful scenery and a diverse, high quality tourist offer, and we will continue to maintain our reputation in the market through promotional activities,” said Reić.
Tourism headquarters: Good prospects for 2021
The news of the award has also pleased the Croatian National Tourist Board: “According to Eurostat data, we have taken the leading position in the Mediterranean this season, this is an additional confirmation of the safe and stable position that our country enjoys on the international market. The United Kingdom is one of the most important markets for Croatian tourism. I believe that by stabilizing the situation, our loyal British guests will return in greater numbers,” said CNTB Director Kristjan Staničić.
Destinations Turkey, Dubai, Thailand behind Croatia
In the “Best Country Award 2020” Italy was declared the world’s best country, while second place went to New Zealand. The award, which was presented for the eighth time, also included a number of high-ranking destinations for British travelers, including France, Turkey, the United States, Dubai, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Thailand.
Leading in water sports
Especially water sports tourists prefer Croatia as a country to practice their hobby. These are mostly charter crews who like to swap the rough, stormy sea around the British Isles with the warm sunny Mediterranean Sea to sail in the Kornati islands.
Corona under control until 2021?
It is to be hoped that Croatia as well as other European countries will get the Corona pandemic under control, so that tourism will be possible again in spring, but at the latest from May at the beginning of the water sports season 2021.
Season preparations for a safe stay are underway
The course for this is already being set now: As SeaHelp reported, Croatia wants to order large quantities of vaccine, which should be sufficient to inoculate nearly the entire population. With an extended COVID 19 test strategy for travel returnees, nothing should then stand in the way of this.