SeaHelp members probably didn’t have such a bad idea: One day after the proposal of a member was published on our homepage, which should help to facilitate border traffic, especially against the background of the expected heavy arrivals at Whitsun, the Ministry of Tourism followed suit. On the homepage of the Ministry of Tourism a list was published with the most important data that travellers should carry with them to cross the border into Croatia. When the announced app (for 28.5.2020, editor’s note) is supposed to be ready for use is still unknown. The text has so far only been published in Croatian.
Facilitating the work of border guards
When entering Croatia, as SeaHelp reported, the officials at the border have a lot to write down. The relevant data must be laboriously gathered and recorded in the appropriate papers. This costs time, which adds up for each individual tourist and ultimately leads to long waiting times at the border, combined with equally long backlogs.
Avoiding traffic jams at the border
This is to change when the relevant data on entry are combined in one paper. Therefore, the Ministry of Tourism asks all persons entering Croatia to fill in a form completely, legibly and in block letters, in order to facilitate the work of the border control officers.
In order to avoid further queries, the telephone numbers should also be provided on a voluntary basis, both your own and the telephone numbers of your accommodation or marina.
Situation on the return journey: Quarantine Austria
By the way, once again at this point the following note: As far as the quarantine regulations for Austria on the return journey are concerned, which are controversially discussed in the social networks: As of today (26.5.2020, 15.30 h), the provision that the so-called Quarantine Regulation (entire legal regulation for measures on entry from neighbouring countries, version of 26.5.2020, editor’s note) shall cease to apply with effect from 31.5. pursuant to § 6, para. 2, still applies. Should the situation change, we will inform about it here promptly, but of course everyone who is planning a trip has the possibility to inform himself here under the link.
Update regarding quarantine on return journey to Austria:
Update: In the meantime the Croatian government has reacted and put the form “Enter Croatia” for the entry into Croatia online.