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7-day incidence and 14-day incidence Croatia: Istria and Lika-Senj surprise with low new coronavirus infections.

Croatia Covid-19 pandemic: 7-day incidence coronavirus
The number of new coronavirus infections is decreasing in Croatia, with the counties of Lika-Senj and Istria currently showing better figures than many regions in Germany and Austria, with 62 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants (7-day incidence).

The European standard for correctly assessing the coronavirus situation in individual countries, including Croatia, is presented in the 7-day incidence (Germany) and the 14-day incidence (Austria). Unfortunately, Croatian websites such as only list the current cases and the total number of infected persons in Croatia, so that especially holidaymakers from Germany and Austria do not have a direct possibility to compare the infection situation in their home region and the vacation destinations on the Adriatic Sea at first glance. A closer look should be taken, however, because in both the Lika-Senj and Istria counties, the 7-day incidence dropped to 62 new coronavirus infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

Graphic with Croatian incidence figures available again

It takes a long search in the depths of the Internet to find reliable official figures on the 7-day incidence in Croatia, or the 14-day incidence. SeaHelp has them now for the users of this homepage accordingly, so that one can get a picture of the current infection situation in Croatia,. Listed is the overview of the 7- or 14-day incidence according to the Croatian counties. The original for this can be found at, information that also includes the special section on COVID-19/Coronavirus in Croatia. However, it was hidden in such a way that it was obviously hidden from most users.

Coronavirus incidence figures updated every seven days

The data updates every seven days. When new data is available, it is communicated on the SeaHelp home page under breaking news and sent out as a push message. If you don’t want to miss anything, you can also follow our Twitter account right away.

Only 62 new coronavirus infections per 100,000 population: Istria and Lika-Senj

A look at the 7-day incidence in Croatia, or the 14-day incidence is definitely worthwhile, especially against the background of the sharply falling numbers of new infections with coronavirus. Particularly interesting from the point of view of the editors are, for example, the incidence figures of Lika Senj and Istria with a 7-day incidence of just 62 new infections with the coronavirus per 100,000 inhabitants. There the infection occurrence in many governmental districts in Germany or Austria looks clearly worse.

Generally declining coronavirus incidence in Croatia

But another aspect comes into play here: on the basis of the clearly presented figures, one can see a considerable difference between the coastal regions, so popular with the majority of Croatia vacationers, and the interior of the country. Especially in the coastal regions of Croatia, the incidence of coronavirus is significantly lower than the incidence figures in the interior. Even the major cities of Rijeka and Split now rank quite low in terms of incidence, at 139.7 (Primorje Gorski Kotar) and 138.8 (Split-Dalmatia).

When will the partial travel warning return?

Why can something like this be important once in the future? At the end of the 2020 season, countries like Austria and Germany went to issuing partial travel warnings for individual governmental districts (counties). In their areas, the 7-day incidence and 14-day incidence were on par with Germany and Austria, respectively. Similar behavior, in terms of travel warnings, is likely to be expected for the upcoming vacation season in Croatia.

Better on the boat than in the exhibition halls

After the bad news, marked by the cancellations of the Austrian Boat Show Boot Tulln and currently the boot Düsseldorf, the incidence figures of the coastal regions of Croatia, especially Lika-Senj and Istria, are rather among the good news from the Croatian tourist destinations. And it is in any case better not to expose oneself as a water sportsman to the risk of infection in the exhibition halls but instead to enjoy the first rays of sunshine on the Adriatic Sea on one’s own ship or charter boat in the fresh air. There a Coronavirus infection should be hardly possible, if one observes the distance and hygiene rules, as also recently the SeaHelp inquiry showed.

This table can be sorted accordingly when clicking on the generic terms Gespanschaft, 7-day incidence and 14-day incidence.
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The 7-day incidence for the Croatian counties in blue bars, the 14-day incidence for the Croatian counties in red bars. The bar chart impressively shows the development of coronavirus infection in Croatia.
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The counties are colored red according to the incidence figures. The stronger the red, the higher the incidence. If you move the mouse over the map, the 7-day incidence and the 14-day incidence are displayed.
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