Against the dangerous Dieselpest in the tanks of boats and yachts, i.e. contamination due to signs of aging or bacteria, there is actually only one herb that can be used: careful tank hygiene, and if necessary, thorough tank cleaning. The specialists in this field, MFT Mikrofiltertechnik of Geesthacht, can really not complain about a lack of incoming orders at the moment, because longer downtimes during the Corona pandemic and the purchase of older boats from the almost empty boat market are having an effect.
The sins of the past have often accumulated in the diesel tanks of boats and yachts in the form of diesel pest and aging residues. Ultimately, only a thorough cleaning and future additivation with effective additives such as Grotamar 82 will help.
Dates in Italy and Croatia
To ensure that not only German and Dutch owners can enjoy the safety of a clean fuel system, the tank cleaning experts at MFT Mikrofiltertechnik embark on a tour of Croatia every spring, but it should actually be called the Mediterranean Tour. The schedule is now fixed:
- March 22, 2023: Region Marina Lignano
- March 25, 2023: Region Marina Punat
- March 26-29, 2023: Region Marina Kremik
- March 30, 2023: Region Marina Kastela
- March 31, 2023: Region Marina Vodice
Diesel tank inspection at advantage price
However, before a tank cleaning is carried out, the tank cleaners get to the bottom of the matter in the truest sense of the word: with an endoscopy camera and the trained eye of the experts, they look for impurities in the tanks of the boats and yachts. Such a tank inspection costs 120 euros due to the advantage partnership for SeaHelp members, non-members pay 139 euros for this service.
Install inspection flap in diesel tank on request
Only after a thorough inspection of the tank, which usually takes place in the presence of the owner, do you decide how to proceed: Is a relatively costly cleaning of the tank in conjunction with the optional installation of an inspection flap necessary, or can the contamination be removed by other means?
Diesel pest clogs fuel filter
In general, yacht and boat owners should be paying closer attention to the issue of contamination in diesel tanks, often accompanied by engine failures caused by clogged fuel filters, right now. Christian Burmester: “During the Corona pandemic, many older boats with diesel engines were put back into service. In addition, the diesel stored partly due to the lockdown, long in the diesel tanks of the boat refueling stations and then of course in the boats and yachts themselves. The consequences made themselves felt in the past year.”
Varying diesel fuel qualities?
But there is one more thing: the sanctions against energy sources from Russia, with a partial complete ban on diesel and crude oil from this country of origin, can also possibly affect the fuel qualities of diesel fuels according to DIN EN 590. Even if some do not like to hear it: In the past, the cleanest crude oil and diesel qualities were supplied from Libya and Russia, but now, for example, refineries have to adapt to other qualities in some cases when processing crude oil due to the elimination of Russian oil, which creates special challenges in the manufacturing processes.
In addition, although the DIN EN 590 standard defines the diesel specifications, there are considerable differences between the upper and lower ranges. If, for example, such a diesel with specifications at the lower limit is only used seasonally in the water sports niche, the requirements for storage stability can be quite different, especially for diesel of quality B 7 (7% biodiesel).
Generally add against diesel pest
Christian Burmester of MFT Mikrofiltertechnik takes a very pragmatic view of the discussion about diesel qualities in water sports – he generally recommends the use of a biocide-containing additive such as Grotamar 82, then, in conjunction with tank cleaning, you have taken maximum precautions in terms of tank hygiene.
Diesel Pest Lecture on SeaHelp YouTube Channel
For those who want more in-depth information on the topic of diesel pest and diesel aging, SeaHelp recommends watching the YouTube-Channel a somewhat older lecture by Christian Burmester, but which has not yet lost any of its topicality.
Eventual second tour planned in October
By the way, due to the current high demand, the tank cleaning team of MFT Mikrofiltertechnik is planning a second Mediterranean or Croatia tour in October this year, if enough registrations are gathered for this. For both the current tour and the tour initially planned for October, you can register directly with him.
Here is the contact information:
MFT Mikrofiltertechnik GmbH
Managing Director
Christian Burmester
Am Schleusenkanal 18-22
21502 Geesthacht | Germany
Tel: +49 – (0)4152 / 88 77 33
Fax: +49 – (0)4152 / 88 77 66