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Yacht Registration: Summer End Promotion 2022 from SeaHelp – register now and save money.

Yacht Registration: 2022 end of summer action from SeaHelp

To make the registration of your yacht as easy as possible for yacht owners, SeaHelp has set up a practical online tool in partnership with Yacht-Registration Holland (YRH). If you want, you can register your yacht internationally via SeaHelp so fast and without much bureaucratic effort at attractive conditions. Who now registers his yacht online via SeaHelp, saves in our “summer end action 2022” in fees..

If a yacht is to be registered for operation in international waters and the case is comparatively simple (such as an owner who wants to use his yacht exclusively for private purposes and will only be sailing with his family or friends in Croatian waters), the simple and inexpensive procedure of yacht registration via Yacht Registration Holland (YRH) is also an option, along with others (see details on yacht registration in our news of Jan. 20, 2022).

Yacht registration via SeaHelp partner Yacht Registration Holland (YRH): simple and inexpensive

Should a boat owner decide to register his boat through our SeaHelp partner Yacht Registration Holland (YRH) after a thorough examination (operating and usage concept of the yacht, also for commercial use, such as charter), the following applies: YRH offers boat registrations from countries such as Poland, Gibraltar, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and, according to their own statements, always charges the lowest possible prices for this. These depend on the country chosen and include all fees, taxes, shipping costs and a consultation.

The application for registration, whether it is for a boat, a yacht or a jet boat, is very simple: the applicant only has to fill in an online form for boat registration in a clearly arranged portal. Special forms are available for yacht registration in Poland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Gibraltar. This form is then submitted to YRH; the registration professional takes care of the rest.

It pays to be quick: those who register their yacht online now with YRH via SeaHelp will save cash in our “Summer End Promotion 2022”

Interested parties (who do not have to be SeaHelp members) who register their yacht online now via SeaHelp with Yacht Registration Holland will save cash: they will be waived ten percent of the fees incurred for the registration process (promotional period: 1.9.2022, valid until revoked, but no longer than 31.12.2022).

Under Yacht Registration Online, two yacht registration procedures are currently discounted: with San Marino yacht registration, there is a discount of 20 euros for boats between one and 9.99 meters in length, while owners of ten to 24-meter boats save 50 euros. When registering under the Poland model, there is a 20 euro discount for owners of boats up to seven meters long, up to 12 meters the savings is 40 and for yachts up to 100 meters the savings is 50 euros.

You want to register your yacht through Yacht Registration Holland: here you will find all the information and links to apply.

More questions about yacht registration via SeaHelp:
Petr Zajíček, Lodě, s.r.o. | SeaHelp Ltd Office East.
Tel: +420 602325965

SeaHelp Yacht Registration Online

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